Category Archives: Domestic Issues

Justice and The General Welfare

“In courts of law men literally care nothing about truth, but only about conviction.”

(Plato in the voice of Socrates¹) 

In “The Supreme Court: A Bulwark of Liberty,” (7/4/2022) I argued that Justice Alito used the ill-informed history of the 19th century jurisprudence and specious arguments to support his conviction that Roe V. Wade was an “egregious error” which the Supreme Court must overturn—even though its precedent had been re-established many times over its 50-year lifespan. As referenced in the same blog, “what legal penalties will be necessary to punish egg/sperm donors, doctors, and lab technicians for the hideous crime of imprisoning humans in test tubes or worse, freezing them until surrogate wombs become available.” My hyperbole here was meant to highlight the inevitable—though absurd—outcome of Alito’s ill-fated summation. His error has not only increased women’s deaths during pregnancy but now thwarts the pregnancies made possible by IVF technology—as my hyperbole intimated. He unwittingly illustrated the truth of Plato’s accusation that implies legal discourse can be so distorted that truth and thereby the innocent can suffer the errant consequences of its conviction.  


Our former President also commented on the relation of legal discourse to truth: in an all-cap screed, he began, “A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE FULL IMMUNITY, WITHOUT WHICH IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM/HER TO PROPERLY FUNCTION. ANY MISTAKE, EVEN IF WELL INTENDED, WOULD BE MET WITH ALMOST CERTAIN INDICTMENT BY THE OPPOSING PARTY AT TERM END. EVEN EVENTS THAT ‘CROSS THE LINE’ MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY, OR IT WILL BE YEARS OF TRAUMA TRYING TO DETERMINE GOOD FROM BAD. THERE MUST BE CERTAINTY” (sic, as quoted from Trump’s Truth Social account).² Although his grammar school use of language can be ignored, the sense of his all-caps demand for “full immunity” is ridiculous. Events “that ‘cross the line’” should be identified as either good or bad, as determined by a moral code, rather than by Trump’s political benefit. For, in America, even political acts are and must be governed by the moral imperative expressed in the words and intent of its Constitution. The bedrock underpinning of America’s entire judicial system is derived from principals pre-established in our Constitution. We Americans hold these principals as self-evident and should act accordingly. Personal “intent” alone cannot and should never justify an immoral act, though it can mitigate accountability or lessen its pre-established penalties. Therefore, no President has a license to create a personal moral code that intentionally defies our Constitutionally based system of laws for he/she must and “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” (reference Article II, Section 3, Constitution of the United States). In other words, no President should be above the law but instead be its oath-bound enforcer.  


Donald Trump’s difficulty in discerning “good from bad” is the result of his inability to distinguish his petty self-interests from the common good (reference “The Swamp versus the Promise” (9/30/2019)). He recognizes no value in promoting the general welfare, as specified in the Constitution’s Preamble, rather than serving himself foremost. Morality, for him, is a transactional exercise in which he primarily must benefit. Consequently, his demand for “total Presidential immunity” is a self-serving political statement that distorts America’s legal system. For his self-declared “immunity” is cryptic legalese that would condone his attempt to overthrow an election and defy any judicial accountability for his incitement of the January 6 insurrection. He unwittingly illustrates the truth of Plato’s accusation that legal discourse can be so distorted that truth and the innocent can suffer its errant consequences. And that distortion is a harbinger of fascism and the rule of a dictator (reference “Post Inauguration Thoughts on Power and Government” (1/26/2021)). 


But America’s founders established a democratic republic. And its Constitution forms the basis for our justice system, insures our liberties, and the general welfare of all its citizens as a human birthright. All our elected representatives must take an oath to that very same Constitution. For most of my school-aged youth, “I pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Under the auspices of my citizenship, I also served during wartime in our military. What I learned from my citizenship is the same as every other American citizen, specifically, we each have a responsibility to uphold the values expressed in our Constitution and, most especially, in the exercise of our informed and thoughtful vote to support those very values that so identify us as Americans (reference “How to Make America Great Again” (10/15/2016)). 


 At this moment in American history, we are experiencing an unfamiliar and dangerous syndrome that is infecting our national conscience. It has spawned a constellation of corrosive agents that are eating away at our democratic republic. Its core motivation is our former President’s attempt to defy his oath to our Constitution by inciting an insurrection to invalidate a fair election and obstruct the peaceful transfer of power. He effectively defied the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, Section 3, in his attempt to stage a coup and effect the demise of our democracy.  


Donald Trump supports his attempt to overturn our Constitutional democracy in many nefarious ways. He incites his followers in political rallies, corrupts his Republican Party with his incessant lies that spread self-aggrandizing disinformation (reference “Will Republicans Kill Republicanism?” (1/13/2020)), ridicules his dissenters—often in concert with rightwing media, and threatens violence against all who oppose his will. These are the actions of a wanton dictator. While serving in office he had attempted to politicize the independent institutions of our government, marginalize vulnerable communities, and deport migrants at our border without due process. Then, while being voted out of office, he directed a national effort to undermine and overrule a free election. To that end, he authorized the creation of false electors, demanded certification of an illicit vote count, and actively incited a violent insurrection against the American Capital— exhorting his followers that “you have to fight like hell or you’re not going to have a country anymore.”  His treasonous plan was to maintain his Presidency unlawfully by stopping the vote count and the peaceful transfer of power, thereby invalidating the voting rights of American citizens. With the help of congressional sycophants, he had stacked the courts with judges whom he hoped would support his policies, to include the outlawing of abortion, the dissemination of combat weapons, the closure of borders to lawful migrants as well as illegals, and the legalization of his personal claim to absolute immunity before the law.


Now, facing a multitude of Federal and State indictments, his lawyers are not just defending Donald Trump in a court of law. Instead, they are making the case to overturn the American legal system and the suffrage rights of the American voter. Trump wants to turn our democratic system against itself and the American people. He condemns the institutions of government, most especially the Department of Justice, which he attempted to control while in office. He has so infected our legal discourse that both truth and the innocent can now suffer its errant consequences, which include both the demise of our democracy and the rights of American citizens. It is not truth that he serves, but its paradoxical conviction in our courts via his judicial appointees. 


The word “conviction,” according to Webster’s Dictionary has a dual meaning: “the state of being convinced of error or compelled to admit the truth.” The Latin root word convincere, meaning “to conquer, refute, convict, prove” presumes a process, but without any assurance of uncovering truth. Applied to jurisprudence, “conviction” implies a very specific intent. The quote attributed to Socrates above intimates there should be a higher legal bar than merely winning a case in a court of law. And that legal bar is discovery of the truth. But Donald Trump has never been about truth. He lies incessantly and about everything, including his Presidential authority, his wealth, his incessant grifting, his acumen, his prowess on the golf course, his knowledge of history, geography, or even the common semantic use of words in our English language. Currently, his sole ambition is to be President for life, whereby he will conquer America, refute all political opponents, convict his enemies, and prove the rightness of his will. His army of lawyers has just one goal, namely, to assure Donald Trump wins in the courts of law so that he can continue his pursuit of a permanent Presidency. Thereby, he hopes to complete his conquest of America and refute its adherence to truth and justice. For “the Donald,” winning is his only truth and at any costs.  


My fellow Americans, what are the lessons we have or should have learned from the last Presidential election? First, if Trump fails to win this next election, America will likely suffer another insurrection of some sort. According to Trump, there “will be a bloodbath.” Secondly, if Trump wins, he will surely attempt to be President for life—for his life’s ambition has never deviated from self-aggrandizement. The Presidency may not even be enough for a “man who would be king.” How might he use the economic and military power of the Presidency in dealing with other nations? More than American democracy would be at stake—so might be a peaceful world order.  


History would then judge us, the American citizen/voter, guilty of the demise of the American democratic republic and its role in maintaining peace and the territorial integrity of all nation states. And that is a verdict neither we nor our posterity should suffer. For it could be irreversible—like a death sentence.  





¹ Plato,” Dialogues on Love and Friendship,” Easton Press, p.199 

² My word processor noted multiple issues with this quote, highlighting both grammar, spelling, and issues of clarity. Welcome to the world of “Trump speak.” 

The Point of No Return

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”¹ 

                                                                                         (Abraham Lincoln, 1858) 


Recently, President Putin’s Ukraine war strategy was questioned by one of his long-time supporters who also led a mercenary army on a threatening march to Moscow. Though he eventually laid down his arms and appeared to reconcile with Putin, both he and his followers never modified their critique of Putin’s war strategy. But that critique died with him when his private plane exploded shortly after take-off. He appeared to have met the common fate of prior critics of Putin or his policies. As a corollary to his fate, the mercenary army he recruited was then disbanded or allowed to join Putin’s military. Putin understood he could neither win his unprovoked war in Ukraine nor govern Russia unless he eliminated any dissonant voice before it could muster a rebellion against his Presidency. He knew a divided house cannot stand. 


One hundred and sixty-two years ago, an American presidential candidate faced the reality that his country was despairingly divided between slave states and non-slave states. His political opponent supported slavery. He did not. If he should win, he would be then destined to become President of a divided electorate. Nevertheless, shortly after assuming office, he wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, then sequestered it in his desk drawer. He feared that neither his campaign against the extension of slavery nor any proclamation against its inhumanity could bridge the divide between the American states. Instead, the Confederacy would have to be defeated and the Southern States reunified into the United States of America. He knew a divided house cannot stand. 


 Today, any elected American President faces many divisive challenges. But, in a democracy, no President has Putin’s power of suppression of adverse opinions or assassination of political opponents or dissidents. He, or she, must be ruled by the electorate and the governing principles established by the American Constitution and the rule of law derived from its principles. And those principles must be held as inviolable as a moral code, for they define the extent and limitations of the three branches of the democratic state, namely, the legislative, judicial, and executive. And democratic “rule by the people” can only be assured by free and fair elections and, consequently, by the universal acceptance of the majority as reflected in those elections. Therefore, all of us Americans must understand and accept these principles as Civics 101, else forgo our responsibilities as citizens in a democratic state—or worse. The alternative course would allow any divisive element to pervert, or even overturn, the very democracy that defines the United States of America. For, indeed, a divided house cannot stand. 


There are many ways in which Americans can become divided: wealth or income inequality resulting from runaway capitalism often abetted by powerful lobbyists; racial, tribal, or religious/doctrinal persecution/ostracism; or the usurpation of governing power by opportunistic men (yes, always men) who choose to serve their own interests rather than those they govern or the very principles of the democracy they swore an oath to serve. We Americans do not have or even want to have the Putin option. Nevertheless, we must now face the same reality that candidate Abraham Lincoln did in 1858. At the outset, he knew what needed to be done to preserve our American republic, thereby abiding by Benjamin Franklin’s alleged exhortation, “if you can keep it.” And George Washington had also warned us that “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”² And those “very engines” were referenced by a more recent President who, like Lincoln, admonished Americans that “we must guard against a weakening of the values that make us who we are.”³ The values President Obama referenced by these words were made explicit in our American Constitution’s Preamble and determinative in the “check and balance” structure of the government it constituted. 


Nevertheless, America now finds itself divided not only amongst political factions, but also within the functioning of its Constitutionally defined branches of its government. How did Americans become so divided in their politics and in support of the founding principles of our democratic republic? 

“your union ought to be considered as a main prop of your liberty, and that the love of the one ought to endear to you the preservation of the other.”

 The simple answer to this question is our loss of perspective on the source of our union and the nature of our individual responsibility to preserve it. Again, the words of our first President come to mind: “your union ought to be considered as a main prop of your liberty, and that the love of the one ought to endear to you the preservation of the other.”4 These were the words of the man who not only trained but also commandeered the volunteer army that won our freedom from the British throne. In addition, he also chaired the Convention in Philadelphia that gave America its founding Constitution. Both contributions to the founding of America’s democratic republic were performed without pay—for they were inspired by George Washington’s love for a united America and the preservation of the freedom it guarantees for its citizens. Washington and the founding fathers of our Constitution demonstrated for all of us what it means to be an American. If the country they birthed had later lost the war of 1812, any of these men who survived would have been charged with treason and hung from the gallows. They exemplified the meaning of the word “patriotism.” But how do we rate our performance on the patriotic scale today? 

“a decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today.”

At this very moment in America’s history, our two major political parties are at war with each other, where one Party resembles what Washington coined a “faction” that would “put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party”4 rather than any alternative position in pursuit of the general welfare. Factions tend to fight for advantage rather than collaborate for any compromise that may benefit most, if not all, of their constituents. How can our personal freedoms be protected when we Americans can no longer agree on how we should unite to protect and extend them? Solzhenitsyn may have been right in his criticism of American liberals when he said, “a decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today.”5 


Let us review America’s current state of our union and its effect on our freedoms:  

  • Republican State legislatures have gerrymandered voting districts to the point of disenfranchising millions of voters. As a result, Donald Trump won the Presidency while losing the popular vote by over 3 million votes. He lost his incumbency by over 7 million votes yet could have won with just 46,000 more votes in so-called swing states. Is it not a core principle of a democracy that the majority rules? Any violation of that principle is a disenfranchisement of citizens in a democracy—which inevitably results in a loss of personal freedom and of any viable union of the voting republic. Instead, gerrymandering has disproportionally concentrated governing power in a minority to the detriment of the general welfare. 
  • As a result, any resemblance to our traditional Republican Party has been vanquished and no longer exists. Gerrymandering has netted a new majority within the Party that disavows traditional Republican values of adherence to the core values of the Constitution, to fiscal responsibility, to national defense—especially in confronting threats from illiberal regimes and in supporting constructive relationships with other nations, and to the strengthening of law enforcement in our cities and at our borders. Instead, this rogue Republican Party has no published public policy platform. Instead, it vows only its total tribal allegiance to Donald Trump, bowing to his every whim without regard for the wellbeing of all Americans. Nor does it promise support to nations with whom America aligns itself by formal treaty agreements. Trump’s command of his rebranded MAGA (“make America great again”) Republican Party has so distorted America’s foreign policies that alliances with NATO, the Quad, and peaceful/democratic states around the world have been replaced with his self-admitted identification with “strong” men, which translates to dictators like Kim Jung Un, Putin, and even dictatorial administrations from Hungary, to the Philippines, Cuba and South America. Donald Trump would make America his island state, detached from the world and dedicated to his every whim and personal needs. He would rule a divided nation like he managed his businesses. The White House would replace his gold entrusted perch atop Trump Tower. Instead of the many bankruptcies he wielded as a self-proclaimed business icon, he would mismanage the most powerful military and influential economy in the world. Then he could freely consort with the other dictators he so admires and command a world they could rape in tandem—a world where territorial boundaries are flouted and chaos reigns—a world subject to soulless men.  
  • Donald Trump’s “stop the steal” retort and his claims of a “rigged election” were built on lies disavowed by his own campaign managers, by the Department of Justice, by members of his Executive Branch, and by the decisions of 61 court judgements. Nevertheless, his lies inflamed a riot on January 6, 2021, that threatened the integrity of the vote count, attempted to disenfranchise the voting republic, and effected an insurrection against the peaceful transfer of power. He violated more than just our voting rights, but both the self-determination of citizens in a free democracy and the very integrity of the United States as a democratic republic. 


What may be more divisive than perverting the legitimacy of the Electoral College, corrupting the values of the Republican Party, and instigating an insurrection to disenfranchise voters is the intended outcome. Those Trumpian insurrectionists were attempting to install an unelected man “who would be king” in violation of the Constitution. And that perverse coronation would be the end of the democratic Republic we call America. It also would spell the end of the 235-year-old beacon of hope that America’s Constitution established as the United States of America. 


If Trump were to regain the Presidency by way of an insurrection, is there any doubt that he would never relinquish the office voluntarily? He instead would pardon, as promised, those convicted of various crimes while participating in the January 6 insurrection. For he calls them hostages, not prisoners convicted of crimes, just as he calls himself “the greatest President in history,” while ignoring his convictions for massive fraud and sexual assault. He would install sycophants to govern in line with his interests rather than the well-being of the electorate. There is nothing, other than his projected grievances, that connects him with his MAGA followers. They will never sit at his table, discuss common human experiences, or share the same life goals. Any man who displays the symptoms of a sociopathic narcissist is incapable of normal human relationships. He will only serve his own interests and protect his self-glorified—but fragile—ego at any costs. 


At this writing, this man has yet to stand trial before a jury of his peers to face 91 federal indictments. Ironically, he has already admitted his guilt, claiming a Presidential immunity that is non-existent, especially for an ex-President. As Liz Cheney has so eloquently stated in her book, this man should never be allowed to set foot in the White House. “Every one of us—Republican, Democrat, Independent—must work and vote together to ensure that Donald Trump and those who have appeased, enabled, and collaborated with him are defeated.”6 


In conclusion, America is now facing an existential crisis. It’s very democracy is at stake. As our current President has recently stated, this crisis is not about political parties and candidates, but about us–that is, who we are and whether we can be the responsible citizens of a democratic republic. Only we can decide our fate! This 2024 election is either a vote for our Constitutional democracy or its demise. And the latter is that point of no return.  



1 Carl Sandburg, “Abraham Lincoln,” p. 138 

2 George Washington, “Farewell Address, 1796.” 

3 Barack Obama, “Farewell Address, 2017.” 

4 Ibid., Washington, “Farewell Address, 1796.” 

5 Solzhenitsyn, as quoted by Eliot Cohen in The Atlantic, February Edition  

6 This quote precedes the last statement in her book, namely, “this is the cause of our time.” Liz Cheney, “Oath and Honor,” p.368. 

“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times . . .”

(from “A Tale of Two Cities,” by Charles Dickens)

More humans today experience a higher standard of living than at any time in history. The population of many wealthy nations benefit from international trade, better healthcare, longer life expectancy, enhanced food production/delivery, and computer/network technology that has increased productivity and enhanced lifestyles. Many living in this “developed” world might believe they live in the “best of times.” But, at this same moment in history, there are billions of humans who live in abject poverty, enslaved to Russian mercenaries in Central Africa, ensnared in endless wars in the Middle East, divested of their natural resources by international hegemons, and subject to natural disasters and epidemics without the required recovery resources. These citizens of poorer nations may well experience life as the “worst of times.”


But is it not true that every human baby is born with the same genetic profile? Therefore, why does not every human being have the same inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The answer to this fundamental question rests with diverse definitions of universal rights—what sages have defined through the ages as the “rights of man (sic).” One definition, sometimes popular in “free” societies, recognizes an individual right to use the goods of nature and society in whatever way he/she chooses—even to the extent of seizing control of the “peoples” government to serve that individual right. This belief anticipates a laissez faire attitude that can result in the excesses of capitalism and criminal behavior that can and has resulted in periodic periods of economic chaos and even a recent attempt to overturn the American democracy1. Another definition, more popular in totalitarian or communist societies, suborns these rights to the human dignity attained by submitting the goods and labor of all to the community and its control of a collective history.2 A third definition, reflective of liberal democracies, associates human dignity with “the power to make these same goods (of mankind and nature) serve the common conquest (or acquisition) of intrinsically human, moral, and spiritual goods and of man’s freedom of autonomy.”3 The American Constitution reflects this definition both in its preamble and in the restrictive “check and balance” structure of the government it defined. The “freedom” therein requires “we the people” to establish, insure, provide, promote, and secure the personal freedoms that define a democratic society and assure the general welfare and the blessings of liberty and justice for all its citizens.


The first definition results in an illiberal democracy, as forewarned by our first President and by many subsequent Presidents4. The second definition can define an idealistic communist state, or perhaps a more pragmatic totalitarian—usually fascist—state. And the third definition reflects the ever-evolving American struggle to maintain and evolve its Constitutionally based democracy—which is the oldest such government in human history. And that struggle is currently engaged with encroachment by its illiberal cousin, as it has been throughout its history. The result of that struggle could determine both America’s and the world’s future—whether either or both may face the “best of times” or the “worst of times.”


As referenced in previous blogs, America has overcome serious setbacks to its democratic venture in democracy—specifically in pursuit of the general welfare of all its citizens. It has persistently fought to maintain its union and reaffirm its commitment to the Jeffersonian ideal that “all men (sic) are created equal.” Those previous blogs outlined many achievements in the rights of women and beleaguered minorities—both in voting and civil rights. And they also highlighted America’s role in creating and promoting the United Nations’ peacekeeping mission through its many agencies. But, however far removed from the World Wars of the 20th Century, America may no longer be the model for a peaceful democracy or the anchor in an international sea of dangerous currents.


“Rule by the people,” the very definition of democracy, implies a people capable of self-rule. And that capability requires a citizenship educated in and supportive of the established principles of its democracy and the laws derived from those principles, as enumerated in the American Constitution. But are they applied consistently by each generation of Americans? Previous blogs have outlined how America has struggled to realize the intent of those democratic principles. Our Civil War challenged our “more perfect union” and our commitment to the principle that “all men (sic) are created equal.” Over 750,000 Americans died in that internecine war—about 6.5% of the estimated population5—to save our union and our democratic principles. How do we Americans live up to that same challenge today? Or have we now, like Hamlet, become “dull and muddy-nettled . . . unpregnant of . . . (our) cause.” How else can we explain support for a Presidential candidate who attempted to overturn a democratic election and now promises to return to the Presidency and to rule like a fascist dictator (reference “A Dark History Reprised”)? He would “weaponize” government to seek his promised revenge on political opponents, rather than seek the general welfare of all Americans. Only sycophants and rapacious parasites would populate his Administration. His would be the very definition of an illiberal democracy—which, by definition, is no democracy at all. Donald Trump has already introduced America to the “worst of times” and promises the same for its future.


Meanwhile, in Russia, an established dictator, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, engages in an unprovoked war against Ukraine because of its desire to join NATO. As his General Apti Alaudinov has declared, “for Russia, this is nothing else but a holy war . . . we are safeguarding our national interest about spirituality, morality, divine and universal human values.” But, at the same time, he reveals the true purpose of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, namely, that it is “just the beginning . . . Russia will persist in fighting until it finds itself at the peak of the world.”6 The purpose of Putin’s war is not just to stymy NATO’s alleged infringement on Russia’s border, but to lay the groundwork for invading and/or dominating all of Europe. Has not history illustrated the ambition of “holy” wars to extend imperial dominance over neighboring countries? What Putin seeks is no different than what Napoleon or Hitler sought, that is, a 21st century version of an empire he could rule as a fascist totalitarian state. His is the ultimate vision of the “worst of times.”


America, and many democratic states aligned with it, face an unapparelled threat both from illiberal parasites within, and from fascist imperialists without, to include Russia, Iran, and North Korea—the new axis of evil. Meanwhile Russia seeks to enslave parts of Central Africa and to regain its “colonies” like Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. But it also has made political inroads in some European countries, like Moldovia, Hungary, Belorussia, and Slovakia. No less imperialist, Iran uses terrorists’ proxies to extend its power over many Middle Eastern nations and threaten the trade routes that support Europe and the world economy. And North Korea not only test-fires missiles across the bow of South Korea and Japan, but continuously expands its nuclear war capabilities to the alarm of not just neighboring Pacific nations, but mainland America itself.


Do not fascist regimes like Russia, North Korea, and Iran already threaten the “free” world? And how is that threat increased by their nuclear capabilities? Russia and North Korea are already threatening the “free” world with nuclear weapons. Iran, which is no longer being monitored effectively, has the nuclear infrastructure to build nuclear weapons but so far has denied any intent to do so. These three nations are now aligning much like the Axis powers of World War II. Given the conflicts already underway in Europe and the Middle East, what are the risks of another world war, even between nuclear powers? Russia is already facing off NATO and the US in Ukraine. Meanwhile, North Korea confronts US allies in the Pacific, to include South Korea, Japan, and Australia. China, which is also a nuclear power, is surrounded by nuclear armed countries, but shows more interest in economic hegemony than nuclear intimidation. Nevertheless, China recognizes the threat of nuclear proliferation and is actively upgrading and extending its nuclear war capabilities.


Given the reality of nuclear proliferation, is the world edging closer to nuclear annihilation? Let us relive a moment in history when only two nuclear nations confronted each other. That moment was the Cuban Missile Crisis when the Russian Navy threatened to break through an American blockade to protect its nuclear missile sites in Cuba. But American intelligence was unaware that these missiles were already armed with nuclear warheads aimed at America’s Atlantic Coastal states. The American Defense Secretary, Robert McNamara, recommended that these sites be attacked before the Russian naval armada drew closer. Also unbeknownst to him, Prime Minister Khrushchev had already given the order to fire these missiles if under attack. Of course, if Russia had done so, the American President would have been duty bound to obliterate Russia in a counter nuclear attack. But President John F. Kennedy stayed McNamara’s recommendation. Instead, he opted for direct communication with his Russian counterpart. The defense department at that time had no established communication channel between the leaders of these two nations. But the American President ordered that direct communication be established ad hoc. And, as a result, a nuclear war was barely averted. The point of this reiteration of history is its illustration of how a misunderstanding or miscommunication could have resulted in a nuclear disaster. How much more likely is such a mishap when undisciplined men like Kim Jung Un, Donald Trump (should he be reelected), or a headstrong nationalist like Putin hold the nuclear trigger? If a nuclear war were ever initiated, its proliferation could easily include nuclear nations like the NATO countries, Pakistan, and even China. Welcome to the world this generation could leave for the next one, a very deadly inheritance indeed!


The world does not need a twenty-first century Cassandra to point out the obvious. Kim Jung Un has been developing a nuclear arsenal for years. During the Trump Presidency, he developed missiles that could deliver a nuclear payload to America. And, with Putin’s help, he now has a satellite that might be able to guide that payload to its preferred target. Trump, before he found “love” in his kinship with the Korean dictator, declared his ability to wipe North Korea off the world’s map. And Putin constantly reminds NATO and the world that he is prepared to use “tactical” nuclear weapons if his encroachments in eastern Europe are resisted. These nuclear “saber-rattlers” have only one recourse when all their threats go unheeded. Have either Kim Jung Un, Putin, or Trump ever conceded defeat without doubling down on their threats? No, they always prefer to escalate, unless removed from power. . . sometimes even by their death at the hands of those they governed, like Mussolini, or by suicide, which was Hitler’s preference. Once the Rubicon of absolute power is crossed, only assassination or suicide can stop the hubristic conqueror. That Rubicon is now the capability to deliver a nuclear warhead.


As China expands its nuclear arsenal, Russia and North Korea continuously strive to improve their delivery systems. Meanwhile the United States has begun to execute plans that will upgrade both its entire nuclear arsenal, and delivery systems. Will mutually assured destruction (MAD) continue to secure the world’s human population? Ask yourselves what stopped men like Julius Ceasar, Napoleon, Hitler, or Mussolini and how is their threat different than ours today.


For those of us who believe we now live in the “best of times,” it is well past the time to wake up to the future we are creating for ourselves and the innocents who already live in the “worst of times.” As our world fueled by gas and oil boils to an unlivable future, we may yet explode ourselves into a premature oblivion under a world circulating nuclear cloud. While we differ and dither over how we are governed, all of us humans must awaken to the future we are creating for ourselves and our planet. We are facing not just the “worst of times,” but truly “the end of times.”



1 Run-away capitalism is not just a threat to, but part of the American democratic experience as summarily outlined in “American Exceptionalism Revisited.” It can impower the ambition of wealthy opportunists to subvert the free electoral process of a democracy for personal gain. This type of subversion was forewarned by our first President, as quoted in “What is American Democracy’s Fate?

2 The dangers of totalitarianism as reflected in Putin’s Russia are described in “Eat Crumbs and Bask in The Glory of Empire.”

3 Jacques Maritain, “Man and the State,” p.207.

4 In “The Rapacious Public Servant,” Washington and Jackson were quoted for denouncing those who seek office for self-serving purposes. But many Presidents have taken to this same pulpit, including America’s current President.

5 By comparison, the 450,000 Americans who died fighting in WWII represented less than 1% of the American population.

6 These quotes are excerpts from an interview on the Kremlin Broadcast network. They were also published on Twitter (X).

Public Ennui vs. Democratic Sovereignty

How does public ennui relate to sovereignty? My previous blog relates how ennui can be quite shortsighted, in the sense of its narrow focus on the present without anticipation of its effect on the future. But it also permits a specific delusion regarding democratic sovereignty.  


Sovereignty was traditionally defined as an independent and supreme power, inalienable and transcendent. But Webster’s dictionary offers us a synonym for sovereignty as merely an “autonomous” or self-ruled state, not necessarily imbued with supreme, inalienable, and transcendent power. Our current United Nations Charter recognizes this contemporary definition of sovereignty and demands its support by all member states. The UN Charter, however, does not differentiate between diverse types of claimed sovereignty. And that lack of differentiation is at the heart of an ongoing struggle between democracies and fascism. 


When any government claims independent and supreme power, that is, its “sovereignty,” it must justify its source for commanding such power. And history shows many such justifications. Divinity was the initial source for wielding absolute power over peoples of many different nations. Priestly vicars spoke for the gods they represented, and people followed their dictates without question. Furthermore, belief in the “divine right of kings” bequeathed supreme power to an individual as a God-given birthright, inalienable and transcendent. And the crown was then passed to subsequent generations, each of which demanded obeisance in the name of God and country. The many empires of history were thus led by revered leaders believed to be officially ordained by God to wield independent and supreme power. Pharaohs, kings, queens, emperors, and empresses claimed this supreme power as bequeathed them by the gods. But their power was often challenged and occasionally usurped by militaristic leaders who assumed supreme power by force and subjugated their conquered populations. Those conquests were examples of human self-rule justified by force, a different kind of “sovereignty.” Except for brief experiments in ancient Greece between the fourth and sixth centuries, B.C, the concept of a people’s self-rule by choice, rather than conquest, was not considered viable. But the Grecian experiment with democracy in ancient Athens was one of the inspirations for James Madison’s proposal for a democratic Constitution that has defined the 245-year-old republic we call the United States of America. But do these myriad examples of sovereignty justify its traditional definition or, rather, characterize the evolution of the concept of “sovereignty?” 


The United Nations Charter assumes and recognizes the sovereignty of nations as an absolute and transcendent right to govern themselves within established borders that all member nations must recognize and respect. This Charter was established after World War II with the intent of creating a mechanism to prevent territorial disputes and incursions often justified by rogue/radical ideologues or despots. But it makes no distinction between different forms of “sovereignty.” There are still monarchs who are crowned in religious ceremonies where they are anointed before God and their subjects as heads of state. But they do not always hold the absolute power of past monarchies. Instead, they often function within some form of power sharing with parliaments. There are also democratic states that are governed by laws derived from constitutions established and supported by their citizens. And these citizens also assume responsibility for self-governance by means of their democratically elected representatives. In fact, some degree of self-government tends to be the aspiration of our modern era, except for outlier regimes. And these outliers are those rogue states often governed by dictators who assume power by political intrigue, deception, a/o violence. Hitler, Mussolini, Putin, and others assume absolute power in such manner (reference “Ruled by Veracity or Perfidy”). Within democracies, however, sovereignty is invested by their citizens in a formal Constitution written and modified by elected officials via a formal process and ratified by their majority vote. And those officials take an oath to serve both the principals documented in that Constitution and the general welfare of their entire citizenship. In America, this form of government was described by Abraham Lincoln as being “of the people, for the people, and by the people.”   


In truth, the traditional definition of “sovereignty” has mostly passed into history with the “divine right of kings,” though its current derivative serves to guarantee the territorial integrity of nations. The various sovereignties the United Nations seek to preserve cannot be uniformly categorized. Whether believed to be established by God, like the Vatican, by all-powerful dictators, like Russia, by royal lineage, like several European nations, or by democratic Constitutions, like the United States and many other democracies, sovereign nations cannot and do not fully realize the formal definition of sovereignty. Specifically, no nation is considered to have supreme power and independence as a right that is absolute and transcendent. A democratic republic like the United States, for example, endeavors to be a more perfect union of its citizens, who constantly adapt it to changing times and an evolving electorate. Its very existence is justified by the United States Constitution and the laws designed to enact its principles as determined by elected representatives and enforced by judges appointed by those representatives. Whereas the belief in a sovereign God is a religious affirmation and the prerogative of every human, the decision to form a government is a political decision that rests with humans who do not act with supreme and transcendent power. So, who now believes state sovereignty is supreme and transcendent? Well, Putin believes in it, as did Hitler and Napoleon before him. The absolutism implied in the traditional definition of “sovereignty” naturally leads to totalitarianism which often means fascism, as recent history has graphically demonstrated.  


Territorial disputes, like the unprovoked war Putin has initiated, must be condemned by the United Nations for it violates the very Charter Russia has signed and swore to support. Its unprovoked war with Ukraine is not a war of liberation, but one of conquest. Putin, for example, claims he is liberating Ukraine from Nazis. More recently, he claims that the right of self-government was a “gift” from the Russian government that Putin has the right to revoke. But he is clearly fabricating justifications for his despotism. Many thousands of Ukrainians and Russians will pay the price for his deceit and lack of personal accountability. Even so-called wars of liberation, like the American interventions in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan also have had a price to be paid. And American Presidents and politicians continue to pay that price before their electorate. While no democracy is perfect, the fact remains that citizens bear ultimate responsibility and must endeavor to hold their elected officials accountable for any behavior adverse either to their oath of office, to morality, to their campaign promises, or to the general welfare of all. Politics in any democracy must be anchored in the common good (bonum  vitae civilis), or else it serves only the interests of the politician, in which case it becomes Machiavellian and simply amoral. Democracies fail when the “art of the deal” preempts the general welfare in favor of self-serving political goals like campaign funding or unconscionable power.  


American “sovereignty,” consequently, is not an absolute, though its governance is firmly anchored in the principle of self-rule. Each of the American States reflect the will of their citizens as defined in their constitutions and, further, align with the Federal Constitution which defines the will of all Americans. But what does this democratic form of “sovereignty” mean and what does it require? Well, it means we Americans agreed to form a more perfect union by affirming our support for the principals and form of government delineated in our Constitution. To the extent that each generation of Americans continue this allegiance, America will continue as a democratic republic. Our “sovereignty” then is not guaranteed by God and does not command absolute and independent power. Instead, it must conform to our Constitutional principles, reflect the contemporary will of the American electorate, AND be held accountable to that electorate. The only states who claim absolute sovereignty are totalitarian by nature. Democracies are sovereign only to the extent that they are ruled by principles upheld by their citizens who alone are accountable for the laws and actions of their state. Otherwise, America itself could and would become a failed democratic republic. 


The United Nations cannot and will not differentiate a failed Republic from any other totalitarian regime. And America might no longer become representative of a democracy, but rather aligned with states like North Korea, where our former President found “love.” He also aligned himself with Russia’s leader whom he characterized as “brilliant” for his characterization of an unprovoked invasion as a “military exercise” to free Ukrainians from Nazis ghosts. How is it possible that the American voter cannot recognize these characterizations as a drift towards totalitarianism and its mortal threat to our democracy?  


American ennui ignores the only basis for American sovereignty which is a citizenship held self-accountable for its own governance. Instead, such ennui allows a craven politics to subvert democracy in the service of rapacious and perfidious politicians. Remember, it is always “we the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,” that must assume responsibility for who represents our Republic and what policies are represented. When that responsibility is not reflected in the voting booth, the gradual shift to totalitarianism becomes inevitable.  


Postscript: As this blog was materializing, war broke out in the Middle East. Although the initial assault was a violent and brutal attack on a sovereign nation, it is not possible to call it unprovoked. It was the product of an unholy alliance between a democratic state and the terrorist organization whose governance it recognized. The victims include both the Palestinians denied fair representation and the innocent Israeli citizens who became victims of unimaginable brutality. And now as that war escalates, centuries of tribal antagonism and enmity threaten the lives of many innocents on both sides. Our American President has spoken of a “two state solution.” I certainly do not have the wisdom to solve this humanitarian crisis. But I am sure that continued escalation of war will not ameliorate the underlying distrust and ill-will between Palestinians and Israelis. It seems simplistic to propose a two-state solution when a terrorist organization persists in Palestinian government and war ravages both parties in the contest. But somehow fair-minded men and women must curtail any escalation of this war. They must find a path towards reconciliation that includes both holding those accountable and building a framework for peaceful co-existence in the future. Unfortunately, I have no answers for this long-brewing tragedy—just my prayers for peace and understanding between fellow human beings. 

American Ennui

“Ennui” is derived from the French enuier, “to annoy.” When a French person is bored, weary, or dissatisfied with his/her situation, he/she will appear annoyed. And that annoyance will be visible, even demonstrable. For example, when the French President decided to promote an increase in the French retirement age, the French people were annoyed and protested very demonstrably. Paris streets were crowded with protestors, and City workers refused to pick up the trash. The President’s proposal was to raise the retirement age from 54 to 56. By American standards, either age would be an incredibly early retirement. By contrast, the American Republican Party has indicated its plan to “save” Social Security by raising the American retirement age above its current 65 age limit. But that proposal has barely noted any reaction from my fellow Americans. American ennui, then, can be best defined as “disinterest,” “malaise,” or simply “ho hums.” We Americans are so focused on our “now” that old age seems less relevant. So, why not shore up the Social Security program by adding a few more years to future retirements rather than by raising payroll deductions now for everyone? Apparently, we Americans will resist any impact on our present lives, even if beneficial to our personal future or that of subsequent generations.  


Sometime after the post World War II era, pundits noted the rise of the so-called “now” generation. That term now seems predictive of the ubiquitous presence of Cell phones, fast food, instantaneous or “breaking” news, and readily available entertainment. All our immediate needs can be addressed in the “now.” So why worry about retirement plans, climate change, the long-term impact for not funding early childhood education, current capitalist excesses (reference “American Exceptionalism Revisited”), dark money campaign funding, gun policies effecting childhood deaths, or abortion policies resulting in maternal deaths? ¹ Any resultant policy failures or inadequacies can only serve the grievance politicking that already thwarts any concerted/realistic effort to create a better future. Instead, we swoon to an unspecified vision of greatness (e.g., MAGA). And we entrust our future to a self-interested opportunist who will always place his own interest before that of the Republic he swore an oath to serve. ² 


But you might ask, should we not all live in the present—in the now? The obvious answer is “yes,” but only if “now” is understood for what it is, namely, the intersection of past and future. We live each moment prepared, affected, determined by our past experiences, knowledge, and external events. Our past may be formative, even enlightening, but we cannot live in the past. Instead, we can only live in that very moment in which we create our future. Our past informs us, but only we can inform and create our future. And we do so every single moment we live. 


The odd thing about a democracy is that it requires its citizens to be accountable for their future. Alone in the voting booth, each citizen must choose who best to advance both his/her interests and the general welfare of all citizens. Today, in America, we must decide whether we accept responsibility for our democracy or not. In the coming year, we will decide whether we will have a peaceful, safe, and decisive election or a replay of the January 6, 2021, debacle.  


For the third Presidential election cycle, Donald J. Trump will once again contend for the Presidency. He has and will stoke violence. He has and will claim corruption, spread disinformation, and quash dissent. He will politicize our independent institutions and marginalize vulnerable communities. In other words, he will reenact the playbook of all who seek absolute power. He will take advantage of Republican persistent attempts to gerrymander and suppress selective voting communities. Even though he lost his first attempt to win the Presidency by over three million votes, and his second attempt by more than seven million votes, he won the electoral college votes against Clinton’s voting majority and came even closer to winning his reelection against Biden than has been recognized. He could have won reelection with just 46,000 more votes in several swing states. In other words, he would be President today with nearly 7 million less votes than Biden.  


If we Americans genuinely believe in our democracy, we must defeat the Trump insurgency. And then we must eliminate voter suppression and gerrymandering. Then we can either reform the electoral college or terminate it. In either case, our course must be guided by faith in our democracy, without which we will lose it (reference, “Is Democracy’s Fate an Act of Faith?”).


1 Since the turn of the century, the US maternal death rate has steadily increased according to the CDC and World Health Organization. However, since the Roe V. Wade decision that death rate is spiking according to the CDC. (We are still waiting for statistical results.)  

2 Reference 3rd paragraph in “Ruled by Veracity or Perfidy.” 


A Dark History Reprised

(Cut to live feed) 

Broadcast journalist: “In a few minutes we’ll see the former President leaving his limousine to board his private plane for his trip to Washington to face his third felony indictment . . .” 

Onsite journalist: “Here in Washington, the courthouse is surrounded by barricades and police in preparation for the former President’s arrival. There is a scattering of protestors, some with signs supporting his reelection or “stop the steal” logos . . . 


The ubiquitous TV camaras and news reporters seem necessary to make real this dark moment of living history, specifically, the arrest of a former President for crimes that strike at the heart of the democratic republic he was elected to serve. His alleged crimes include (1) conspiring to defraud and impede a lawful Federal election, (2) conspiring to obstruct and impede the congressional process by which the votes cast in that election are counted and certified, (3) and conspiring to deprive American citizens of both the right to vote and to have their vote counted. These alleged crimes strike at the heart of a democracy, specifically, the peaceful transfer of power and the right of citizens to vote their conscience. Stated more bluntly, Donald J. Trump is being indicted for his attempt to overthrow America’s democratic republic, that is, Abraham Lincoln’s “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”  


Since this Federal indictment, the Fulton County District Attorney in Georgia has also indicted the former President for racketeering, specifically, for directing the actions of eighteen other defendants to overturn the results of the Presidential election in Georgia. In other words, the former President is being accused of crimes like those of a mob boss. As these words are being written, his “mug” shot is being shown on television screens around the world. The image of America as “the leader of the free world” has been smeared by this man, though the wheels of justice will now determine his and America’s fate. 


Of course, Donald J. Trump will have his day in court to appeal these conspiracy and obstruction charges. And there will be political debates and sensational reporting illuminating and distorting every aspect of Trump’s trials, including his trips to and from the court and his sitting in the docket. But his trial is more than journalistic cat bait or an evening broadcast “breaking news” segment. It will also recall and reprise that villainess pattern previously established by fascist dictators. Characteristically, they have staged bureaucratic coups accentuated with violence. Hitler, for example, as Chairman of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party took control of the Reichstag before his lieutenant burned it down. And Putin, as head of the FSB and Prime Minister staged a bureaucratic coup to assume the Presidency under the promise of staging a violent war against Chechnya for its alleged attacks on innocent Russians. ¹ Trump did likewise by means of an expansive conspiracy to overturn a democratic election coupled to a riotous assault on America’s Capital. Also, in an analogous manner, these petty dictators initially assume control over a politicized faction such as Germany’s National Socialist Party or Russia’s Unity Party or the current American Republican Party. Then they use violence or the threat of violence to gain absolute power. Naturally, most Americans would shrink from these comparisons, believing it unlikely our system of government could fall to a similar fate as Germany or Russia once did. Unfortunately, those of us who ignore history may well be doomed to repeat it.  


At the very least, we Americans must begin to recognize the similarities between these cult-like leaders of political movements. Hitler was a talented organizer with an ability to publicize his political philosophy, as presented in Mein Kampf. He was also ruthless and vengeful to all who opposed him, including his political and racists scapegoats. Putin is a wily manipulator who controls his gang of thieves by either granting them an unmerited share of his people’s wealth or showing them an exit out of a high-rise window. Since he controls the courts, any who oppose him or his policies face jail and hard labor, if not assassination. And, like Hitler, he also has his own political philosophy whereby he alone controls the vertical power system he described in his personal treatise. ² Although it would be difficult to equate Trump with the talents of either of these men, he does at least share their dictatorial characteristics. Stated more in American terms, he is a loutish embodiment of an archetypical mob boss who controls his acolytes with the promise of wealth/position/power. But those not sufficiently sycophantic, risks falling out of his favor. They may then be threatened with whatever vengeful punishment he can muster from verbal assaults, lawsuits, expulsion from the Trumpian orbit, or the threat of physical attacks from his more violent-oriented followers. In place of a political philosophy, he presents himself as the star of a MAGA cult. Like a center-ring P.T. Barnum, the great showman of glitz and glamor, he entertains with his bravado as the hero who promised to replace the “American carnage” he touted at his inauguration and to restore America’s lost greatness. For those who oppose him, he offers his personal scorn, the ire of his more rabid supporters, and/or his promise of the unwelcome attention of the IRS or DOJ, should he regain the Presidency and the opportunity to have his revenge. 

  If you come for me, I’m coming for you.” (Donald Trump, 8/5/2023) 

Trump is that anti-hero who seeks only his own interests and whom you dare not cross, for he can be ruthless in his pursuits and vengeful to any who oppose him, as exemplified by his personal history. When his ailing father was on his death bed, he persuaded his ailing father to sign over control of the Trump estate to Donald Trump instead of his oldest son. Thereby, Donald assumed control of his father’s estate and disabused his siblings’ inheritance, though he was neither the oldest son nor the most competent sibling. During his business career, he bilked and outlasted some 3500-4000 civil lawsuits (as diversely reported). As President, he attacked those who disagreed with him and replaced public servants like Inspector Generals who did or might find fault with his Executive Administration. And he forged a similar trail of anti-social and self-serving behavior as he used the power of his office against all who opposed him—even to the extent of conspiring against the will of American citizens to hold onto the office he lost in a fair and legal election.  


Amid troubling times, with war in Europe, its impact on prospective famine in Africa, the fire and flood disasters resulting from global warming, and divisive civil/political unrest in many countries around the world, including the United States, what prospects exist for world peace and the health and safety of humanity? If we find ourselves in communities ostensibly determined by a dire fate and threatening circumstances, we could feel powerless and driven by forces outside of our control. But if, on the other hand, we discover our ability to inculcate human values into our culture and society, then we can change the course of history. Such change is more feasible in a democracy, but it is also achievable in other systems of government when like-minded people unite to demand equal justice, personal freedom, and the general welfare of all citizens. We may be born into established communities, but we can develop and must support those human values and their respective governing principles in our respective societies. In most cases, that choice is made easier by connecting with a common cultural heritage. In America, we can simply rediscover and reapply the values infused in our institutions and established by our founding documents. That reapplication process determines and assures the ongoing evolution of our democracy (reference “Revolution, Evolution, Devolution). 


In the many countries I have been blessed to encounter personally, I have consistently found in their citizens a common ground of human values. We do not just share a common DNA, but a shared experience of our world and of each other. Though cultures and languages may differ, we feel hurt and pleasure the same way. And we can also relate to each other as fellow human beings, born of women, with a common experience of life and of our expectant deaths. Unfortunately, like the animals from which our species evolved, we can also compete against each other for territory, resources, food, and/or herd dominance in the form of wars of conquest or insurrection. The choice between living in harmony with fellow humans and competing with them for dominance begins with an individual decision. And that decision contributes to the type of society it evokes, like a democracy of equals rather than a pre-established stratification of power and position—the very condition that promotes divisive and competing factions. The difference seems to be whether we choose to relate to others as fellow human beings or to compete with them. The latter presumes a hierarchy that must be scaled to become the “top dog.” Otherwise, we become “losers,” governed by the “winners” and doomed to a lesser class. Our lives will then be more likely determined by the facts of our birth and circumstances. But to revolt or struggle against the inertia of a fixed communal existence is fruitless without a purpose, that is, the guiding principles of a society. Democracies are societies where morally driven principles form the basis for law and the rights of individuals to pursue their lives’ goals. Democracies are born of reason, whereas communities merely reflect the facts of time and circumstances. They can be transformed, however, by actions inspired by a society supported by guiding principles, such as those inherent in a democracy.  


America fought a Civil War to re-establish one of its founding principles: “that all men (sic) are created equal . . . endowed . . . with certain unalienable rights . . . (of) life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But a society built on this principle must contend with human nature. Whether focused on either preventing evil or supporting good, ³ our kind must come together on primary principles or forever contest our power over each other. The basic principles of the American republic are good, wherein evil is referenced by the absence or violation of the good. But we often dive into the muddy pool of fighting a non-descript evil—which is too often identified ubiquitously with the “other,” like the non-white, the immigrant, the gay, the Jew, the non-male (i.e., a dysfunctional view of womankind), the Democrat, or the Republican. This fight can never be won for it is fought on negative terms, that is, the elimination of whatever is labelled “evil.” Instead, the real power of a democracy is its emphasis on what is good, that is, the principles that assure our rights, our liberties, and our general welfare as fellow human beings. We are a rules-based democracy to the extent that our laws assure these principles are protected and enforced. And, of course, enforcement means offenders are held accountable. Broadcasting Donald Trump’s apparent lawlessness as some kind of gamesmanship, instead of attempts to violate our laws and his oath of office, is a disservice to the principles of our democracy. Instead, we should celebrate the fact that he will face judgement before a jury of his peers in accordance with the principles of our democracy. If found guilty, he will be held accountable, and our founding principles will be vindicated. 


Some decades ago, it was common for the two political parties to argue over policies, even to the point of questioning each other’s patriotism. Whether supportive of capitalist tycoons or the hoi polloi, the parties argued over issues of budget deficits, crime prevention/punishment, regulated markets/free trade, self-serving foreign relations/general world order, or a realistic definition of fair taxation. But both political parties would then attempt to justify their differences in terms of the general welfare. That guiding principle allowed them to agree on some measure of common benefit wherein compromise preserved the general welfare. Were these resolutions always perfect? Of course not, but over time, voters modified them at the polls. Americans seldom realize difficult change in one swell swoop. It took 132 years before women gained the right to vote. The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts required over a hundred years to reach fruition. But major changes like these seemed always to require popular social movements to galvanize the electorate to demand changes that extended democratic rights in the face of previously unquestioned suppression. Why does that system of progressive change now seem anachronistic?  


I believe the answer to this question rests in the rise of nationalism, an interesting word, derived from the past participle of nasci, “to be born.” Just as each of us is born into a specific community, we can experience our lives under the influence of our nation as the broader community. But democracy demands more of us than mere assimilation into a staid moment in history. It must evolve, thereby requiring an electorate and citizens willing to address the common good in a changing environment. The task of a successful democracy is to mature and adjust to changing circumstances, for example, to assimilate migrants and technological evolution, to address health crises, global warming, ideological/philosophical differences, international relationship challenges/dangers, and so forth. In a previous blog, America’s quest for a just society was related as an ongoing project (reference “Democracy and the Just Society”). In 1870, our Congress established comprehensive public education to address this ongoing project of our democracy. After the Civil War, it became apparent to our legislators that the assimilation of slaves and the changes required by the Reconstruction Amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments) would require a reasoned and informed electorate. But nationalism, as understood and practiced by autocrats and their supporters, is a form of preservation, not evolution. It is a particularly self-serving ideology for an autocrat who chooses to retain position and power indefinitely. Putin, for example, wants to restore the Russian empire of the 19th century and secure his position as its czar-like leader for the duration of his life. Likewise, Trump wants to overturn the results of the last election and retain the Presidency for the remainder of his life. Both MAGA and Russian imperialism are nationalist “fever dreams” with harrowing promises for the futures of Americans and Russians.  


Nationalism is, and has always been, the mechanism for men such as Hitler, Putin, and Trump to assume executive power and retain it by whatever means available. While Hitler and Putin chose suppression and conquest as their means to hold and extend their executive power, Trump chose subversion of democratic institutions, including a free election, in his attempt to extend his presidency. If he had succeeded, would he have accepted the results of any future election? Did either Hitler or Putin ever do so? In fact, it is more likely that Trump and Putin would have agreed to support each other’s self-interests on the world stage. Did Trump not support Putin’s efforts to undermine Ukraine’s turn toward democracy and to blame Ukraine instead of Russia for undermining Hilary Clinton’s campaign in support of Trump’s? And did not Putin explicitly state his preference for the Trump presidency and back up that preference by ordering a massive cyberattack in support of his campaign. The Mueller Report provides massive evidence of that fact. If re-elected, Trump has been reported to have told his former colleagues in office that he would remove America’s support for NATO. Would NATO then be able to contend with Putin’s desire to annex Ukraine in the face of his threat of a World War III without the support of America? Why then would Putin be satisfied to add just Ukraine to his conquest of Chechnya, Georgia, or Syria? What would stop him from securing Moldovia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, or even the jewel of Poland that has repeatedly been coveted by Russian autocrats. And what would stop Trump from securing permanent control over America’s electoral system, from extending voter suppression laws and gerrymandering to passing Federal legislation to authorize Republican State Legislators to name candidates for the Electoral College. Imagine a world intimidated by the two largest nuclear states under the leadership of the Trump-Putin alliance.  


Fortunately, it is not likely that the American electorate will return Trump to the Presidency. He is a proven liar who claims his innocence by his firm belief in his lies. Belief and reality do not exist together in his mindset. Nevertheless, he has been twice impeached, fourfold indicted, and held liable for rape. But, even if he loses his reelection, America faces the grim reality of recovering from what the Republican Party has wrought on the American democracy: mischievously tilting State elections in its favor by voter suppression and gerrymandering and by manipulating Congressional committees to misuse their power to engage in fruitless and evidence-deprived attacks on elected Democrats. We must salvage the Republican Party from its takeover by a fringe group who took advantage of the Party’s efforts to gain control without winning the majority vote. There are many former Republicans who would and should disavow its current leadership. Many of them stood firm on their patriotic values by supporting Trump’s impeachment, by blocking his illegal attempts to subvert a federal election, and by abetting his felony indictments with their honest testimony.  


Nevertheless, America now stares down a dark fate, not unlike what it faced in its past. We overcame a monarchy and a civil insurrection in our attempts to gain independence and a fully democratic republic. We have battled the myriad forces of discrimination that have always inflicted humankind. And that battle continues, but not without its incremental successes. What we now face, however, is a serious backlash from the forces of racial prejudice, misogyny, hate crimes, divisive politics, and—most threatening—an autocratic overthrow of our democracy. We must now support and extend our democracy or unwittingly reprise a dark history our forebears sacrificed so much to overcome. Let us re-engage that pledge that used to be made in every classroom daily throughout our country: 

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” 



1   Of course, that war’s pretense was false since those attacks were committed by Putin’s FSB (reference the fifth paragraph in “The Rapacious Public Servant”). 

2   For more specific information on Putin’s style of governance, check out “Is War in Europe Inevitable? 

3 This is a reference to Nietzsche’s master versus slave morality wherein he depicts the emphasis on “good” or “evil,” respectively.  


Mutual Respect and Personal Integrity

In my first novel, one of the characters reprised a quote from a real Vietnamese judge I once knew. That quote highlighted just one theme in the novel, specifically, “live what you believe or live not at all.” That phrase, taken out of the context of my novel, can be misleading. Two of the main characters, an avuncular supreme court judge and his devoted niece, were on adverse sides of the Vietnam war. And the novel’s protagonist, an American soldier, was initially ambivalent about America’s involvement in the internecine conflict between the North and South Vietnam. Nevertheless, he proved to be both friend and protector to this Vietnamese judge and his niece, even risking his life to support both. And, as their story was unraveled in the novel, the other two did as much for him. The point: each of these characters were living what they believed. Though neither of them changed nor abandoned their diverse beliefs, they yet became close friends. Each of them was admirable for his/her honesty and courage but could not and would never subscribe to the beliefs of the others. Technically, they were enemies. Nevertheless, their interrelationship revealed their shared humanity. And that is a lesson we Americans dearly must learn if we are to save our democracy. 


That lesson also reveals how honesty differs from dishonesty—as highlighted in my previous blog. Both the former American President and the current Russian President rose to power based on lies. And they attempted to either regain or hold onto power, respectfully, by eliciting support from their followers with more lies. They solicited the allegiance of patriots, that is, citizens who love their country and its unique heritage. But these solicitations were and are dishonest, based less on love of country than their unquenchable lust for power and personal invulnerability to any moral code or just law. In truth, they serve only their own interests. They consider themselves above any law or moral stricture in pursuit of personal fame, power, and wealth. Their one strength is the ability to transform their personal self-interests into a wistful belief shared by their compatriots: “to make America great again;” or to reverse a past injustice and reclaim Russia’s empire and the dignity of its people. They are not only perfidious, but nefarious in their disregard for the personal belief systems of their compatriots. They disregard the interests and welfare of others. Why else do they seek to impugn the “fake press” in America or imprison journalists in Russia while suppressing free speech? They want their fellow citizens to believe them rather than what common sense reveals as true and observable. They are agnostic about everything except their self-interests. Further, they use any difference they can exploit or fear they claim only they can quelch either to gain followers or to foment discord among their enemies. They will actively—even demonstrably—discredit any viewpoint not in support of their own. They prefer that you believe what they tell you to believe, or “live not at all.” And, in truly fascist fashion, they will assure the latter by any means available to them. Either accept their self-interest or the consequence of their revenge. They have no personal integrity and punish those who disagree with them. 


Surely, living what you believe is integral to personal integrity. Since we humans can differ not only in perspective but also in judgment, we can anticipate disagreement on many things, including support for our leaders and conflicting governmental policies. In America, there is a well-known acronym often applied to elected legislators: “we can disagree without being disagreeable.” Why so? Well, no democracy can survive without mutual respect between differing points of view—providing there is mutual adherence to overriding principles. We Americans can swim in a current of disagreements over many policy positions, like gun laws, abortion, affirmative action, and so on. We can even disagree on election results. But those disagreements can and must be resolved within the boundaries of laws and policies that align with our Constitution. And, of course, disagreements must be attuned to recognizable facts that common sense must accept. Only a fool ignores reality. Moreover, though we are many individuals, we are still one people. And our diversity can only subsist in peace and harmony if it is moderated by the adherence of Americans and their governing institutions to the rule of law and its adherence to our Constitution. That document defines not only our democracy but the moral basis for the America polis—as Aristotle characterized any group of citizens in city, state, or republic—and thereby for every American. For therein is defined what is required of each American “to form a more perfect union” and assure not only our security as a nation, but the peace, security, and the blessings of liberty for each of us and our posterity. In a previous blog, I asked the question, “can individual differences be (both) addressed with mutual respect and reconciled by overriding principles?” Unless answered in the affirmative, democracy cannot survive in America. And the declarative statement that “all men (sic) are created equal” must subsists not only at birth before race, class, or inheritance are determinative but must also outlast the vagaries of subsequent variances in title, wealth, or class. In other words, Jefferson’s declaration demands that we engage each other with mutual respect while maintaining our personal integrity as a birthright we all share as human beings. Our Constitution not only defined the structure of our government but the moral fabric of our nation—if only we endeavor to incorporate its values into our lives and thereby realize its promise.  


How often have we heard our current President say, “there is nothing we Americans cannot do if we stay united and do it together.” Well, he is only rephrasing the words in our Constitution: “We the people in order to form a more perfect union . . .” But that union is impossible unless each of us demonstrates mutual respect as integral to our personal integrity. 


Ruled by Veracity or Perfidy

We humans, like all mammals, are helpless at birth, dependent upon parents for survival. Before gaining maturity, we are nurtured both by parents and our extended family or community. Once anointed as adults by some culturally appropriate initiation or graduation tradition, we assume responsibility for the conduct of our lives within the social structures of our time and circumstances. That assumed responsibility must be the result of our free choice. Without that choice, our responsibility can be usurped, and our lives determined by others. Given the freedom to choose, should we not pursue our personal goals and the best interests of our family, community, and government? Given the training and education required, would we not freely choose to serve worthy goals and do what is best for others? Well, the answers to these questions are wrapped in the mystery of human freedom. Our lives may be limited to preset conditions of place and circumstance but are not preordained. Each of us must choose our life’s path within preset or even unusual circumstances. But ours is not Hamlet’s question whether “to be or not to be.” For most of us, the question is not one of life or death, but of how to live, while free and undetermined. Rather than be ruled by others, would we not prefer personal freedom and self-rule—to become the best version of ourselves rather than not to be so?  


But, in our time, self-rule is challenged by the strange perversity of certain world leaders and the governments they attempt to impose or—worse—succeed in imposing upon their fellow citizens. These men (yes, they are always men) lie, cheat, threaten, and punish any who oppose their authority. Of course, as in previous blogs, I am specifically referring here to President Putin and his “mini-me,” former President Trump. Both claimed to be patriots, but love office and power rather than their country or its citizens. They are both inveterate liars, promising to “drain the swamp” of “deep state” infiltrators or command a “limited military action” to rid a neighboring country of “Nazis infiltrators.” Of course, there is no “deep state” or “Nazis.” Likewise, Trump’s designation of “swamp” dwellers fails to acknowledge the role of Inspector Generals who are appointed to assure government institutions adhere to the laws and norms of our democracy. And Putin’s “limited military action” makes Hitler’s claim to “free Czechoslovakia” a minor fib compared with Putin’s genocidal and unprovoked attack on a country a third the size of Russia. Neither Russians nor Americans should be led by such liars who violate the trusts of their people to gain the power of office. Although they feign friendship and support each other, their fellowship is just a matter of convenience. Trump claims Putin’s “limited military action” is “brilliant,” while basking in the wealth of laundered rubles stolen from the Russian people. And Putin, for his part, has shown his preference for Trump not only in praise-worthy words but in an extensive online intervention into America’s 2016 Presidential campaign to sway voters in his favor. Both in words and deeds, these two miscreants know how to polish the façade of each other’s out-sized egos. More to the point, how did these egomaniacs gain the Presidency over their respective countries?  


As stated above, both these men are inveterate liars. As referenced in my previous blog, Putin rose to power by means of a bureaucratic coup and then lied about his justification to remain in office as the great defender of Mother Russia against Chechnya’s alleged atrocities. And Trump lies about everything: his credentials as a great businessman, his wealth, his success as the “greatest President in history,” his endless winning that enables only him to make America great again. All these claims come from a man who has declared multiple bankruptcies, benefited from laundered Russian money, and has been twice impeached, twice indicted for felonies, and held liable for defamation and sexual assault. And Putin also has a despicable past with regards to dealings with foreign mafias during his leadership of the Foreign Affairs Office in St. Petersburg. His thievery of foreign overcharges was mostly clandestine, whereas Trump’s grifting was as public as any snake oil salesman. He sold steaks, wine, apartments, uncredited and bogus degrees from his so-called Trump University. He even solicited charitable contributions to a Trump Foundation that he used “as a personal checkbook,” according to a state court that terminated its license as a charitable institution. Both these men lied about their accomplishments and deceived the citizens of their country to win their support for the highest office in their respective countries. As a result, both Russians and Americans have been ruled by men who gained their trust by lies and deceit. 


What then does it mean to be ruled by veracity or perfidy? The question presumes a choice. Well, most of us would prefer to be ruled by truth which is the definition of veracity (from the Latin, veritas, or “truthfulness”). Who, by contrast, would choose to be ruled by perfidy (from the Latin phrase, per fidem percipere, “to betray” or literally “to deceive by trust”). Trump, for example, won the Presidency without winning the popular vote largely because the Electoral College is distorted in States where Republican controlled legislatures gerrymandered their Districts. With respect to Putin, there is little evidence that the Russian people have ever chosen him as their President. His initial electoral victory was suspect on many levels (reference the 9th paragraph in “Is War in Europe Inevitable?”). Subsequently, no one, to my knowledge, has successfully dared to challenge his reelection victories since. Dictators rarely are transparent with the truth, for they rise to power by means of lies and deceit. They maintain their position by continuing their deceiving and perfidious ways. But the truth still condemns them before all who recognize it.  


Brought before Pontius Pilot, the man who could condemn him to death, Jesus Christ claimed to have come into the world to give testimony to the truth. Then he baited Pilot with the statement, “all who are of the truth hear my voice” (omnis qui est ex veritate, audit vocem meam). To which Pilot responded with the question that rings like a clarion call through the ages, “what is the truth” (Quid est veritas?).  


We humans have struggled with Pilot’s question throughout the centuries of our existence. Often, we rest our search for truth in affirming evidence, in theories, in beliefs, or in hope. Science, for example, can explain when a fetus becomes human, capable of living outside of the womb and developing into an adult person. Religion can inspire us with the belief that a life force or divinity exists that brings all things into existence, including life itself. What can be agreed by all is that from the egg and seed to the zygote and fetus, every human emerges in the image of his/her procreator(s). Our truth, then, can take many shapes, not all of them scientifically proven, but still believed as verified truth itself. I have a dear friend who sees the face of God in an ant and will take great pains to protect the life of that little creature. It is not just the ant that he reveres, but life itself and its creative energy. Our beliefs can also inspire us to realize our hopes for that better future we humans can create for ourselves.  


As an American, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” ¹ While we may have different beliefs and different shades of truth, we still can pledge allegiance to our Republic. In addition, every elected official must take an oath to our Constitution. A pledge of allegiance and an oath of office to our founding principles can bring a country together around core values. However diverse our political policies may be, we can and must unite around those fundamental ideals we hold as truthful and believable. Those ideals can and will inspire us to realize our hopes for that better future we humans can create for ourselves. Otherwise, our democracy cannot survive. 


Both science and religion flourish when scientists and preachers are honest and truthful. We hope and trust that scientists adhere to the scientific method and fully test their theories. Likewise, we hope and trust that preachers/priests live the faith they preach to their congregations. But this pact of trust must exist in politics as well and be confirmed not just by our hope, but by an oath and by its adherence. Every candidate for Federal office takes an oath to support the Constitution. And every citizen should revere the spirit of our Pledge of Allegiance which is also an oath of allegiance to an indivisible republic committed to liberty and justice for all its citizens. When these oaths are violated by dishonest candidates for office and the divisive factions that voted for them, then our democracy will be in peril. For we will have violated the truth of America’s founding principles and put our trust in those who would deceive us for their personal gain. Instead of “the truth shall make you free” we will become a nation ruled by perfidy rather than veracity.   


¹ The Supreme Court has modified the Pledge of Allegiance or its practice many times since 1892 to accommodate various interests and religions. Some States demand its recital in classrooms daily while others do not. Some provide exceptions for those who find it idolatrous or too dogmatic. But the Pledge of Allegiance still exists as a true representation of Americans’ core beliefs, while still recognizing our diversity.  


Revolution, Evolution, Devolution

All Americans know—or should know—that the founding principles of our nation rests on the declaration that “all men (sic) are created equal” with unalienable rights which were further specified in the Preamble and first ten amendments of our Constitution. When Jefferson justified our revolution, he wrote that the British monarch “refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” At that point in history the colonies determined that the public good required a Confederation of thirteen self-governed states. But our declaration of independence would require much more: first, a war of revolution to cast off our colonial bondage, and then the institution of a new national government, namely, the United States of America. No longer would Americans inhabit a conglomeration of independent colonies or even a loose confederation of states, but a new national entity under a single central government. No longer would colonies or individual American settlers deal independently with Russian/French/Dutch/English fur traders or Russian/Spanish/Mexican settlers but would now confront other competing nations as one nation, coequal and united in their freedom. As our first President warned us, our “union should be considered the main prop of your liberty” (as quoted in “Presidential Farewell Addresses”). Without that prop, our liberty could be and would be at risk. 


The corollary to Washington’s warning is that any country divided against itself cannot long exist. Both logic and history attest to this truism. He not only understood this truism but embodied it. His strength of character alone evoked confidence in his leadership. But he also understood that the introduction of democracy into human history was an unprecedented risk. Nevertheless, he led America’s revolt to declare its independence from the British Monarchy and claim its freedom to form a democratic republic. By unanimous consent, he was chosen to chair the Constitutional Convention that defined America’s new democratic republic. And he served two terms as our first President. As noted in his farewell address, he was keenly aware that democratically guaranteed free speech implies political disagreement that could devolve into a “fatal tendency . . . to organize factions . . .  to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests.” Of course, neither Washington nor anyone of his time could have foreseen the America of the 21st century, nor the social evolutions of the intervening centuries. For his life and circumstances were rooted in quite a different era. 


Upon his father’s death, the eleven-year-old George Washinton had inherited ten slaves along with his portion of the family estate which he shared with his brothers. His widowed mother received no share of the estate because women had no legal right to own property. ¹ Even as Washington led our founding fathers at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, there was unanimous agreement that women and Negros should be excluded from the franchise in our newly minted democracy. Application of the democratic ideals of the 18th century had not yet fully accepted that the Jeffersonian truth–“all men (sic) are created equal” — must include all of humanity, including women and slaves. His love for Sally Hemings and their children was protected by his office and reputation, but not by the norms of society. And Jefferson himself, whom Alexander Hamilton—his most avid antagonist—admitted was “above reproach,” veritably lived a life morally conflicted between his humanity and social reality. But Jefferson’s equivocal conscience only reflected the ethos of his time. 


And that ethos also gave voice to Horace Greeley’s prophetic zeitgeist for nineteenth century America, that is, “Go West, Young Man.” And our early pioneers did just that, introducing a broad continent to new settlements, the American “can-do” culture, and eventually a railroad system that opened the doors to a century of conquest and industrialization. America was reborn not only as the land of opportunity, but the launching base for robber barons and the excesses of capitalism. 


The evolution of America gradually began to address the societal inequities that hindered realization of its founding ideals. From the middle of the nineteenth century forward, the American conscience gradually awakened to those inequities as it struggled to confront racism, misogyny, and the excesses of capitalism (reference “Democracy and the Just Society”). That on-going evolution, spurred by the Civil War, proceeded with the Women’s Suffrage movement, and the many legal adjustments designed to prevent the unfair and preferential practices of an unmanaged, even out-of-control, economy (reference “American Exceptionalism Revisited”). But that evolution still has not yet met its goals for it is a continuum, an ongoing struggle. 


The question for our time is whether we will continue the forward evolution of our democracy and economy, or backslide into racism, misogyny, and a radically unfair distribution of wealth and power. Picture the image of a white male plantation owner overseeing black slaves with wife and daughter dependents who could never inherit his property outright. Jefferson, for example, became a wealthy plantation owner when he inherited his father-in-law’s property after marrying his daughter, for she had no right of ownership, just a trousseau of clothes and linens. His black slaves, of course, were the engines of a wealth they created but could never possess. Although America has evolved since then, how far have we progressed with black suppression and inherent poverty, with women’s treatment in the workplace and in the management of their own bodies during pregnancy, or with a fair distribution of wealth and income when 76% of America’s wealth resides in just 10% of its population.²   


In many ways America’s democracy has lit the spark for its evolution into the richest and most productive economy in the world. It has attracted immigrants from all over the world with its promise of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” But that “promise” is an ideal, not a reality for every American. Blacks and immigrants, especially the non-Caucasians, often do not have the same career paths available to other Americans. And women often still are not treated as equals to their male counterparts in the workplace, in management, or in politics. Even their bodily autonomy is now under attack by radical extremists—some of whom sit on the Supreme Court. Although the twentieth century seemed to continue America’s democratic evolution with the Civil and Voting Rights Acts and the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, neither women nor Blacks are faring that well in the 21st century.  


At this moment in our history, we Americans are reengaged with Washington’s fear of that “fatal tendency” of self-serving factions to steer America away from “wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests.” His fear has now materialized in right wing extremists, aggrieved by any perceived loss of license to do what they please. They would rather act without adherence to our laws, even to the extreme of violence and insurrection. Moreover, they are encouraged by those who also assume they are above the law because their office and/or wealth gives them license to control markets and politics whereby they can amass more wealth and political power. What has empowered these extremists is exactly what gave rise to Washington’s warning about political parties deteriorating into “factions” that would compete for power rather than for the common good and mutual interests. Now, in the 21st century, America faces a resurgence of self-serving factions that have coalesced into a mutated Republican Party intent on subverting free elections to gain absolute power over both the executive and legislative branches of our government, and now, as chronicled here, to include the judicial branch as well. How has America devolved from its founding ideals into these divisive political fault lines between democracy and autocracy? 


How united can America be when a twice impeached President is exonerated by elected Senators of the Republican Party or when Republican Representatives propose a bill to reverse those duly processed impeachments? Can the rule of law and justice prevail when both an insurrectionist and formerly disgraced President is indicted for multiple felonies while being loudly defended by the Republican Party? What measure of domestic tranquility can be maintained when a domestic riot and insurrection against America’s capital is defended and boldly excused by the Republican Party? How can America support a common defense when the Republican Party votes against funding military veterans’ welfare? How is the general welfare secured when Republicans refuse to outlaw the sale of military style weapons like the AR-15, now the leading cause of children’s deaths. Likewise, how is the general welfare served by Republican proposals that limit the blessings of liberty to the privileged by reducing funds –  

 (1) for SNAP and Medicare,  

(2) for clean energy and clean energy tax credits in the face of the ever-growing threat of climate catastrophes resulting from global warming,  

(3) and for IRS vetting of the often-lengthy income tax submissions of the wealthy to assure every business entity and person pays their fair share.  

Moreover, how can America secure the blessing of liberty for our posterity without Republican support for adequately funding public education to assure both a well-rounded education and civic grounding in the ideals, values, and governmental structure necessary to preserve and enhance a democratic republic? As a decades-long supporter of the Republican Party, I have rolled these questions in my mind since the advent of the so-called tea-party revolution within the Republican Party.  


The answers to these questions are grounded in at least three causes. The first is the Republican backlash to the popular presidency of Barack Obama. In successive Presidential campaigns, he ran against two Republicans that any Republican voter would have gladly supported—including myself. But Obama campaigned without divisive rhetoric and swore to support the general welfare, not special interest groups, like those that supported and copiously funded Republicans. He declared there were not “red states and blue states . . . but the United States of America.” But Republicans, instead of competing with Democrats on how best to support the general welfare, redoubled their support for policies like the “trickle-down” economy that appeased their special interest groups, the gun culture that resulted in the mass shootings of innocents, and policies like gerrymandering and voter suppression that compromised fair elections in their favor. They chose the crooked path routinely taken by special interests or politically radical minorities rather than the higher road Obama had so successfully blazed for American patriots. The second cause is those single-issue voters who mostly align with special interest groups. If a gun owner, a believer in the “culture of life,” an investor in real-estate or the stock market, or a multi-millionaire or billionaire, then allegiance to the Republican Party platform is comfortable, logical, and anticipated. For these voters, there was no other recourse. The third cause is the Republican strategy to overcome its minority status in the polls and the voting booth. The keywords here are gerrymandering, voter suppression, and obstructionism. The first two keywords provide enough votes to enact the latter. The Republicans have repeatedly ridden gerrymandering and voter suppression legislation into control of many States’ legislatures and vice versa into securing future gerrymandered majorities. Likewise, gerrymandered State elections secured Republican control of the United States House of Representatives during the Obama Administration. Concurrently, the Republican Senate Leader could and did obstruct or block many of Obama’s legislative submissions. And gerrymandering garnered enough electoral votes to install Trump in the White House even though he lost the popular vote by more than 3 million votes. Subsequently, even with gerrymandering, Trump lost reelection as an incumbent by over 7 million votes. But the power of well-funded campaigns by special interest groups and single-issue voters, coupled with the voting distortions of gerrymandering persist to defeat the will of the electorate and continue to make possible the election of Republicans unaligned with the general welfare of most Americans. And that democratic unalignment represents the “fatal tendency” that our first President warned would “make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction.”    


What particularly stands out in the undemocratic arsenal of this Republican minority is its appointments to the Supreme Court. President Trump promised and succeeded in nominating three Supreme Court Justices (aka, “the three assassins”) he believed would overturn Roe v. Wade, all of whom violated the trust of the American people by promising to uphold its precedent and then ruling against it in Dobbs v. Jackson (reference “The Supreme Court: A Bulwark of Liberty”). This decision not only overturned 50 years of women’s bodily autonomy but revised over a hundred years of women’s progress since the 19th Amendment. And this decision questions whether the Justices have also violated the spirit of the 14th Amendment’s due process clause which, if applicable to State courts, should equally apply to the Federal Supreme Court. Not even Oliver Wendell Holmes, the most widely quoted Supreme Court Justice, would agree with this decision since it overturns the will of most Americans. ³ It cannot be representative of “conservatism” for its subject matter was not specifically addressed by our founding fathers. And its basic assumption about a woman’s freedom to decide the course of her own pregnancy substantively violates the underlying principles of equality and unalienable rights expressed in Jefferson’s Declaration that also informed both our Constitution and the basis for all our democratic values.


Justice Alito’s written opinion is the virtual imposition of a religious belief upon all Americans in violation of the 1st Amendment’s intent that allows “no law respecting the establishment of religion.” But the Justices of the Supreme Court have just done so and in violation of our general welfare. Their decision also ignores the contemporary scientific determination of a fetus viability or of when a pregnancy reaches term. And since many States are now outlawing abortion except when a woman’s life is at stake or death is eminent, women are already dying during these last-minute abortions. These State decisions disavow women’s bodily autonomy and risk their lives, as evidenced recently by the reported rise in maternal deaths. And the Supreme Court majority that voted for this injustice has revealed itself as betraying their oath of office by lying about their adherence to precedent (“stare decisis”) during their Congressional hearings and acting in defiance of science and against the general welfare of all Americans.  


Why would the Justices now overturn half a century of precedent and allow the States to re-establish brutal 19th century laws that inflicted penalties on women and the doctors who provided them abortions? The answer: this Court’s decision is a concession to a single-issue voting block of anti-abortionists. Or, in Washinton’s words, it is an act of “the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests.”  


Likewise, the Supreme Court has now overturned another decades-long precedent by making affirmative action a violation of the 14th Amendment. The irony in this decision is that it was not ruled in favor of the plaintiff’s “equal protection”—as specified in that Amendment, since she was never deprived of “life, liberty or property.” In fact, she was never even asked to create a wedding website and therefore should have no “standing” for her complaint. This case was based upon a hypothetical complaint designed to overturn a long-standing precedent that a specific minority within the Republican Party has long contended. That “faction” within the Party has loudly protested whether centuries of suppression should be set aside to provide qualified Black students equal access to higher education and whether a mixed-race classroom better reflects the composition of a multi-racial society. That “faction,” instead, reflects the same attitude that once sponsored “no admittance” for Blacks to public restrooms and water fountains, and attempted to ostracize or even criminalize mixed-race couples. What part of “all men (sic) are created equal” do certain members of our current Supreme Court not understand? 


Has America’s introduction of a democratic republic reached an impasse in the 21st century? After a bloody revolution fought in the 18th century and later defended in the early 19th century when America’s capital was razed and burnt to the ground, and then after painfully re-united under one flag during the Civil War of the mid 19th century when some 750,000 died to uphold the union of some 12 million Americans, is America now willing to roll back its hard won democracy? After so much blood, sweat and tears spent in the birth and preservation of our democratic republic, are we now prepared to give up on America? After overcoming Jim Crow, winning women’s suffrage with the 19th Amendment, implementing the Civil and Voting Rights Acts, and enacting Roe v. Wade, Affirmative Action, and marriage equality laws, are we now inclined to roll back our progress towards extending democratic freedoms and universal equality? Has the birth of our democratic republic and its more than two centuries of evolution reached its pinnacle and must now decline?  


When Ronald Reagan declared our government was the problem, he was not arguing to abolish it, but to reform it by protecting and extending our liberties. During subsequent Presidencies of both political parties, laws, regulations, and government policies were enacted with the same intention—until Donald J. Trump won the Presidency. Rather than announce his plans to enhance our democracy, he looked over the crowd at his inauguration and declared that “this American carnage” would end under his administration and promised to make “America great again.” Since America’s revolution, it has evolved to extend its guarantees of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to the formerly oppressed and welcome to America’s shores “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Donald Trump, however, had a different notion of America. Rather than the land of liberty and justice for all and Reagon’s inviting beacon of light, Donald Trump promised to stomp upon the carnage of America’s past and remake it into what Americans would soon discover was his definition of greatness, that is, his walled-in empire under his sole dominion. His was not the image of America drawn by our Constitution but a projection of his desire for autocratic rule. 


Trump sought alliances with dictatorships, while weakening the Western alliances established after World War II to protect the sovereignty of nations and to further cooperation in trade and national policies. His support for President Putin then was predictably mutual, and well-earned since Russia played a key role in Trump’s election with its extensive internet intervention. During his Presidency he often evoked his self-perceived bonding with dictators like Putin, even confiding with his staff that, if reelected, he would remove America from NATO. Unsurprisingly, he would later declare Putin “brilliant” for calling his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine a mere “military exercise to remove neo-Nazis.” (For Trump, “branding” was always more effective than honesty or reality.) He also became embarrassingly sentimental about the “love” he felt between him and another cruel dictator, Kim Jung Un. Early in his presidency, he moved to destroy bipartisanship between the political parties—a move consistent with the unquestioned power he assumed in office. And he endeavored to weaken the institutions of our government—which he ridiculed as a nefarious “deep state”—and fired many Inspecter Generals whose tasks to assure adherence to law and best practices were left unadministered. Instead, he installed unqualified sycophants in key positions to serve his interests rather than that of our government. He misused the power of his office to pardon political supporters and his National Security Advisor for their convicted felonies.  


Donald Trump attempted to reconstrue government “of, by, and for” the people into his own tool for self-aggrandizement and personal lawlessness. He reversed two centuries of extending “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” to all members of our society into policies that would assuage the grievances of his single-issue supporters who happen to include antiabortionists, misogynists, and white supremacists. They sought his favor, funded his campaigns, and responded to his call to assemble, to protests, and even to join an insurrection. He would reconstrue the purpose of the people’s government into an instrument that serves his lust for power and self-aggrandizement. He weaponized the Supreme Court by installing justices who would roll back precedents of the past half century, not to satisfy personal beliefs but to gain the support of his aggrieved and single-issue supporters. What makes these appointments even more objectionable is the fact that all three of his appointees— “the three assassins”—lied before Congress and the nation about their support of Roe v. Wade as established precedent. Their abhorrence for established precedent was further established by their recent decision abolishing affirmative action. Since these appointees now have lifetime seats on the highest court in the land, America faces what may become the most severe attack on its democracy since the Civil War. 


But Trump’s policies and appointments reflect much more than his self-interests and self-aggrandizement. He has irresponsibly evoked a retrograde evolution—which happens to be the definition of a devolution. In fact, the Webster’s Dictionary goes further by defining exactly what Trump’s Supreme Court appointees effected, that is, “the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government.” In Justice Kavanaugh’s words, “what’s wrong with giving this authority to the States?” As a result, American women are now being subject to the same 19th century laws Justice Alito referenced to justify his rebuttal of the “egregious error” decided in Roe v. Wade, that is, laws that punished women and the doctors who assisted them in abortions. But how should 19th century jurisprudence become the barometer for the 21st century? Was it not that long ago in American history when witches were burned at the stake along with adulterers? Perhaps Judge Alito should go back even further in history when false judgement was revealed in trial by ordeal. He would then learn—or relearn—the fruits of enlightenment. But his voice would have gone unnoticed but for Trump’s judicial appointments of the “three assassins” to the bench. 


Trump’s irresponsibility, however, goes much further than subverting the law via judicial appointees. He assumed the role of an autocrat when his Republican Party made him unimpeachable and continue to support the insurrection he instigated. He not only failed to abide by the norms and duties of office but stands indicted and/or investigated for many violations of the law and his oath to the Constitution. As his current and prospective indictments are processed through our investigative and judicial system, Americans are left with the damage he has already evoked in his wake. Unbelievably, he leads the polls in the Republican primary and continues to be the most serious threat to American democracy since the Civil War. Even if Donald J. Trump’s rough ride through American history ends in a prison sentence, what impact will he have had on the mindset of his followers? How would their Trumpism affect our democracy going forward? Can their grievances be addressed civilly? Can a fair compromise ever be reached by agreement on the general welfare? Will politicians act in service of their constituents instead of their ambitions for fame a/o the power of office? Can rule by the people succeed without a just society self-governed by shared moral principles? And can individual differences be addressed with mutual respect and reconciled by overriding principles? 


There is a reason no democracy has lasted as long as America’s. “We the people of the United States” have made it lasts thus far. Our challenge is and has always been “to form a more perfect Union.” My fellow Americans, just read the preamble to our Constitution and measure yourselves and our representatives to its prescriptions. Together, we can “establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Otherwise, we risk not only the loss of our union, but the very freedom we so cherish. 


1 Douglas Southall Freeman, “Washington” (an abridgment of the seven volume “George Washington”), p. 8. Although women had no legal right to own real estate, they could inherit the personal property of a diseased spouse and dower rights to manage real estate in care of their children, including the male children who alone held legal ownership of such property. (Women could manage, but not own? Hmm, some things remain hard to change.) 

2 This wealth distribution was reported by the Federal Reserve for the first quarter of 2023. In the first quarter of 2021, the Federal Reserve reported that the top 10% of the population garnished 69% of America’s wealth. The wealthy are indeed becoming wealthier. But that does not mean the rest of the country is not becoming wealthier. The economy has grown and benefited everybody, just more so for the wealthy. The very wealthy, like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, have more wealth than most sovereign nations. 

3 Oliver Wendell Holmes addressed why jurisprudence should recognize how liberty must reflect a dominant opinion. He said, “my agreement or disagreement has nothing to do with the right of a majority to embody their opinions in law. . .. I think the word liberty in the 14th amendment is perverted when it is held to prevent the natural outcome of a dominant opinion.” 

The Rapacious Public Servant

There are two attributes that President Jackson and President Lincoln shared, though personally different in so many ways. First, both were representative of the fledging democratic Republican Party of the 19th century rather than devout Federalists like many of the early founding fathers. Secondly, each of them flourished amidst factious political turmoil, ambitious office seekers, and the threat of those “unprincipled men” that President Washington warned could “subvert the power of the people and . . . usurp . . . the reins of government.” While Lincoln often used humor and explicitly pointed rhetoric to cut through the maze of dissent and argument, Jackson was blunt and threatening. And each of these men painstakingly sorted through the crush of office seekers at the outset of their Administrations to select public servants who best mirrored their interpretation of America’s founding ideals and eliminate those who did not. Jackson, for example, supported his distinctive interpretation of the spoils system (“to the victor belong the spoils”) as a fundamental expression of democracy. During his inauguration speech he said, “the task of reform . . . inscribes itself on the list of executive duties–’reform’ being a brief way of saying, ‘Turn the rascals out.’”¹ Lincoln, for his part, began a multi-state tour on the 4th of March, 1861—the very day he assumed the office of the Presidency—to urge Governors and elected officials to join his new Administration in maintaining the Union. His message reflected both his campaign rhetoric and his electoral mandate: “I think you would do well to express, without passion, threat, or appearance of boasting, but nevertheless, with firmness, the purpose of yourself, and your state to maintain the Union at all hazards. Also, if you can, procure the Legislature to pass resolutions to that effect.” ² Both men, one a “populist,” the other a “Constitutional unionist,” formed Executive Administrations dedicated to the mission for which voters elected them rather than serve their own self-interests or those of office seekers, of a powerful banking system, or of separatist slaveholders. They both served the principals outlined in our founding documents and opposed those Washington termed as “unprincipled men” who would “subvert the power of the people” to serve other interests, including their own rapacious self-interests. 


As Arthur Schlesinger stated so appropriately in referencing Jackson’s definition of reform, “The spoils system, whatever its faults, at least destroyed peacefully the monopoly of offices by a class which could not govern, and (instead) brought to power a fresh and alert group which had the energy to meet the needs of the day.” ³ Those words could not be more relevant to America’s recent Presidential election that exposed the demise of conservative Republicanism and replaced office holders convicted of crimes and the twice impeached former President Donald Trump as clearly unfit to govern. The “spoils” the previous Executive Administration sought were not the dignity of public office and service to the American public, but rather the power of office to enhance their wealth, careers, and influence—even to the extent of criminal activity. This more common definition of “spoils” is the mantra of the rapacious public servant who exploits public service for personal gain and/or for the benefit of a specific campaign donor class, of a single-interest faction, or of unhindered and unaccountable minority Party rule. Rather than the general welfare of all citizens in a democratic republic, they seize power for their own benefit and that of their wealthy campaign donors and single-issue supporters. The latter include antiabortionists and gun enthusiasts but are bolstered by the disaffected whose generic grievances can be easily redirected against government itself—an odd contradiction in a democracy where people rule and elect those sworn to serve their interests.  


Former President, Donald Trump, and many of his appointees embodied the definition of rapacious public servants. 4 The word “rapacious” is derived from the Latin rapere, “to seize.” According to the Webster Dictionary, the common usage of “rapacious” implies excessive grasping, covetous, even unscrupulous plundering. Trump’s endless grifting more than meets this definition and usage. While President, he welcomed foreign dignitaries to rent whole floors at his hotels and to spend exorbitantly for special events and services. He horded gifts received from foreign dignitaries as his own, rather than gifted to the office of the Presidency as the Constitution’s emolument clause (Article II, Section 1) prescribes. He charged the Federal Government exorbitant fees to house his Secret Service agents at his resort—even when they were not onsite. Moreover, he raised hundreds of millions of dollars from his supporters. But was there ever accountability for how these dollars were spent? For example, his inauguration party spent over 100 million, but could only account for 26 million. His Party raised over 250 million to overturn his failed reelection, but never accounted for how this money would be, could be, or ever was spent. The Republican Party has admitted to paying for Trump’s lawyers. But it has never reported to donors how much money was spent on Trump’s multiple legal cases, including both criminal and civil, embodying felonies, misdemeanors, and liabilities. Nor has the domestic or foreign sources for millions of dollars of so-called “dark” money campaign contributions ever been disclosed. Recently, it has been reported that there exists both tape and written evidence that Trump with his lawyer/stooge Rudy Giuliani conspired to sell individual pardons for two million dollars each. Since he granted 143 pardons, how many of these pardons were so illicitly bought? 5  


Trump’s enablers and appointees to public service also participated in his or their own grift. Both Steve Bannon, his chief Presidential advisor, and Paul Manafort, his Campaign Manager, for example, were convicted of fraud crimes in which they made millions. But both were pardoned by Trump, who also pardoned Michael Flynn his National Security Advisor (NSA), also a convicted felon. In addition, Flynn, while NSA, was also under the employ of a foreign power and had previously received reimbursement from the Kremlin to attend a presentation while seated next to President Putin—a rare privilege granted to heads of state or Putin’s chosen guests. Trump’s Attorney General travelled to Italy, England, and Australia to participate in his Special Prosecutor’s bogus investigation into alleged FBI and DOJ mishandling of its investigation into and subsequent prosecution of Russia’s interference in the 2016 Presidential campaign. When does an Attorney General (AG) leave the country to “supervise” his appointed and independently functioning Special Prosecutor rather than manage the Department of Justice? What can justify these trips and the AG’s travel expenses?  


The spoils sought by rapacious public servants, like Trump and his enabling cohorts, mirror the plundering of totalitarian regimes like Putin and his oligarchs not so long ago. In 1991, many Muscovites faced down tanks that threatened to overturn their fledgling democracy. They resisted a return to the totalitarian rule of the Communist Party. (My graduate school college professor was among those who stood in the way of those tanks.) But the subterfuge of designing men, such as Putin, subsequently took advantage of this unrest and political divisiveness to usurp the reins of power from the fledging Russian democracy. Nearly a decade after that 1991 conflict, the Kremlin sponsored Unity Party successfully overturned Russia’s short-lived democracy and installed Vladimir Putin as President. He had been well positioned to assume the Presidency. As head of the KGB (now the FSB) and then Prime Minister, his appointment to the Vice Presidency was uncontroversial, both arbitrary and yet seamlessly predictable. Thereby placed next-in-line for the Presidency, he immediately assumed the office upon his predecessor’s forced retirement. Three months after this bloodless bureaucratic coup, he won a contested election under suspicious circumstances (reference the ninth paragraph in “Is War in Europe Inevitable?”). To divert public focus from his rigged election, he misdirected attention to alleged Chechnya atrocities, veritably enacted by his FSB operatives. It cannot be determined whether he ordered the FSB to stage these pretexts for escalating the conflict with Chechnya, but, as Karen Dawisha states in her book, “it is not plausible that Putin, as prime minister and former chief of the FSB, would not have been aware of these actions, particularly since he was their main beneficiary.” 6 Twenty-two years later, he still holds the office of President as the most rapacious “public servant” ever, for he has amassed 20 palaces, a 6-million-dollar yacht, and secret bank accounts around the world where many billions secure his future should he ever be deposed. The gang of thieves he had assembled from his Ozero dacha cooperative, from his KGB operatives in Dresden, and from his supplicants in St. Petersburg’s government are now his billionaire oligarchs, many of whom receive millions annually to run key sectors of the Russian economy. 7  


Given Putin’s success in amassing wealth, power, and well-rewarded sycophants as his own rapacious public servants, is it any surprise that Trump would and does admire Putin. They both amass wealth and procure government power by boasting only they can make their country great again and by securing sycophant stooges to protect and extend the power they gain by their deceit. Both men assumed office without winning a popular vote. Both attempted to hold onto office by illegal means—either by a conspiracy and insurrection initiated by Trump or by a rigged election ordered by Putin. And both men used the power of office to fill their own coffers to the tune of hundreds of millions grifted by Trump and untold billions stolen by Putin. Although neither of these men replicated Hitler’s rise to power by reducing their nation’s parliament to ashes, both instigated violence to hold onto office as demonstrated by the January 6 insurrection against the US Capital and the alleged Chechnya atrocities that Putin used to insure his rise to power. Whereas Trump excited violence, “you must fight like hell, or you will not have a country anymore,” Putin was more graphic in his call and response, “V sortire zamochim”– “we will wipe them out in the outhouse and that will be the end of it.” 8 Neither insurrection or coup was beyond the pale for such men. Both Trump and Putin were and are rapacious by nature, meaning they will seize whatever power, wealth, or fame they desire without regard for any legal or moral code. They have no concern for the lives and suffering of those who become victims of their unconscionable actions. 


But the oddest thing about Donald Trump is not his brutishness, lawlessness, or “in-your-face” infantile narcissism. No, the oddest part of his Trumpism is its ability to attract supporters. Among these are some traditional Republicans who merely want to ride the Trump wave. But many more seem to believe his “deep state” myth or admire his reckless abandonment of norms and laws. It is saddening to witness how some Americans mistake insolence for outspokenness, recklessness for courage, narcissism for self-righteousness, and blatant stupidity for a childlike honesty. Except for this last characteristic, they may be mistaking Trump for Clint Eastwood’s performance in one of his early “spaghetti westerns.” If so, they can be entertained, while still missing the satire of an underlying intent (a clue: Eastwood’s character did not depict a real hero we should admire, but an American archetypical conceit that can entertain as self-deprecating humor). Trump is not a hero to be emulated, but more like a cartoonish superhero who believes he can break all the rules and never lose regardless of the odds. Remember when he promised Americans that he would make us tired of winning for he was the supreme winner who would make us all winners. The problem with that promise was its implicit message that we should identify with his promised victories, rather than our own general welfare—that is, identify with his fiction, rather than our own reality. His appointment of sycophants to govern the institutions of our government was not in service of our interest—that is our general welfare—but of his own selfish pursuits. His appointments to the DOJ and the IRS, for example, protected his malfeasance and grifting both in business and in office. He used the legal protections of the Presidency to secure his invulnerability from the normal strictures of law and decency. As a result, his Presidency never intimated public service, but rather a rapacious grasp of fame, power, and wealth without any personal accountability or regard for the general welfare of the American people or our democratic institutions. Donald Trump is a virus on the body politic that has weaponized one of our two political parties against the core values of our democracy.  


While President Jackson fought what he termed the excessive influence of a central bank and its reckless issue of paper money not backed by hard money such as gold or silver, Trump obtained loans from banks not backed by the actual worth of his properties. Jackson abhorred wealth not guaranteed by hard money or property earned by the fruits of labor. As evidence of this conviction, on his last day in office, he signed the Specie Circular Act requiring all government lands be paid in gold and silver (as referenced in “American Exceptionalism Revisited”). If it were possible for Jackson to confront Trump today, he would have caned him as he promised his Treasury Secretary for failure to sign his proposed legislation. (The threatened Secretary escaped through a window as Jackson stormed through the Treasury Department, his cane in hand.) And President Lincoln who led Americans in a Civil War so that America could “have a new birth of freedom,” would have abhorred Trump’s divisiveness and willingness to incite an insurrection against the seat of America’s government. How out of place would Trump appear at Gettysburg, where Lincoln exhorted his audience “to be dedicated here to the unfinished work . . . that this nation . . . shall have a new birth of freedom . . . and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Both Jackson and Lincoln led America in wars of liberation against England in the war of 1812 and the Confederacy in the Civil War, respectively. Both fought to maintain our independence, the integrity of our union, and, as a judge and lawyer, respectively, the fairness of our Constitutionally based legal system. Like every President before and after them, these two Presidents took an oath to our Constitution. And that oath defined their words and actions. Simply put, they were true public servants. History defines them as patriots—a word that could never be attributed to Donald Trump. Hence the absurd irony that Trump won the domination as the Presidential candidate of a Republican Party that Lincoln made famous and then mounted a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the President’s oval office. 


But it must not be Trump’s legacy that defines our nation’s fate. Both America and its allies are now caught in the whirlpool of world power conflicts with Russia and China. Unlike past clashes of monarchies, empires, and totalitarian states, humanity is now on the brink of a cataclysm much greater than a singular genocide or another world war. Instead, the Western allies are on the cusp of a nuclear Armageddon. Both Putin and Xi Jinping have vowed to re-incorporate what they considered their lost provinces of Ukraine and Taiwan. They both used financial interdiction and subversive conspiracies, but only threatened invasion—until now. For Putin has since unilaterally attacked and invaded Ukraine, thereby violating its territorial sovereignty and negating Russia’s commitment to the United Nations’ charter. Further, he has commissioned a level of atrocity not seen since Hitler, specifically, genocide, rape, abduction of children and the merciless bombing of non-combatants such as women, children, hospital doctors and nurses, and the infrastructure that supports them all. While Xi Jinping provides limited support for Putin, he continues to voice support for a nation’s territorial sovereignty. But what will be his position if Putin succeeds in demolishing Ukraine’s identity in a land grab of its mineral/coal deposits and fertile soil. If Ukraine falls, will China be enticed to invade and acquire Taiwan?  


What future will our human posterity face then—perhaps, a face-off of nuclear-powered adversaries? Will it then suffer global warming under the threat of a nuclear cloud? The answers to these questions reside in a future not yet determined by nations, their leaders, and, within the purview of democracies, the determination of voters. We already know the positions taken by the respective leaders of nations like China, Russia, and the Western allies. But the American voters have a muted voice that yet must be heard. If President Biden does not receive the massive support that President Roosevelt had during World War II, then his ability to lead the Western allies will be diminished. His decades in public service have shown him to be a dedicated public servant, in contrast to the false allegations of corruption made by Trump and his cohorts over the past three years. Instead, they use the tools of autocrats to diminish their opponents and create the illusion of self-righteousness and the false promise of glory, fame, or conquest. But their real mission is their own self-aggrandizement exhibited by a rapacious grasp of power, fame, and wealth. 


How is it that autocrats like Hitler, Putin, or “wannabees” like Trump can attract cult-like followers? Is it their ability to identify with collective grievances and scapegoat selected groups, organizations, or nations for all perceived problems? Or is it their promise of greatness in the subjugation of those so scapegoated? Their inflation of self-worth at the expense of others is at the root of racism, elitism, and all forms of subjugation. Such men (yes, they are always men) have a limitless need to fill a personal vacuum in self-identity—that is, their lack of authenticity. They fill that vacuum by the rapacious acquisition of power, fame, and wealth—the trilogy of conceit designed to attract the superficial admiration and support of followers. They create a tribal cult feted on their personality and bonded by shared grievances. Such cults are based upon a belief system that cannot be justified by reason, but by other mechanisms. When we witness autocrats suppressing a fact-based press or supplanting its coverage with self-aggrandizing propaganda, they are monopolizing what is read. When they flood the airwaves with their words and actions, they are simulating that persuasive space occupied by ad men and sales pitches. Former President Donald Trump, for example, makes the internet and broadcast news media his personal megaphone. The real danger here is magnified when they begin to control that private space between our ears. You will know that heinous objective when you see them extending their reach into our children’s classrooms, as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has done. When you witness civics classes removed from curriculums, books of literary or historical merit removed from school libraries, and political indoctrination being introduced in their stead, then you will know our country is on the path to a totalitarian state. Moreover, the surest sign that our democracy is in peril is witnessed by the advent of such rapacious public servants. These miscreants will have switched places with the patriotic citizens of a democracy and assumed all the power of governance for themselves and in service of their interests, exclusively. They may identify with a democratic political Party, but only with the intent of transforming it into a cult. 


Cults are not political or religious entities, though they may assume those identities. Their primary goal is not the introduction of cultural/religious values into society but control over the minds and actions of their supplicants. Their sole purpose is to control behavior in support of objectives that cannot be justified by reason. Rapacious public servants reflect an oxymoron wherein public service becomes self-interest. A political party under the control of such rapacious individuals must support candidates for office who adhere cultlike to party positions that prescribe behavior that supports its monopoly over governance. Its only rationale is self-interest, not the public good. Its sole objective is power, not service.  


In my lifetime I have been a member of both political parties but am now “unaffiliated.” Finally, I have come to appreciate the warning of our first President about the risks of political parties becoming dangerous factions that can “usurp the reins of power” to serve their self-interests instead of the general welfare of all Americans. Today, one of our two political Parties harbors the very threat that Washington foresaw four centuries ago. It is time to vote the Republican Party nihilists out of office. And, as this blog has argued since 2015, it is past time to reform our political campaigns and parties to eliminate corruptive influences and, specifically, the influence of corporate a/o special interests’ money. 9 Unless we initiate effective reforms, we will continue to suffer these self-serving rapacious public servants in our democratic Republic. 


1 Marquis James, “Andrew Jackson: Portrait of a President,” p. 186.  

2 Carl Sandburg, “Abaham Lincoln: “The Prairie and The War Years, Vol. 1, p. 200. 

3 Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., “The Age of Jackson,” p. 47. 

4 On 2/9/2017, shortly after Donald Trump assumed office, I wrote a blog that was eerily predictive of the Trump Presidency, namely “Competency and the American Presidency.” Therein I addressed the qualifications and prejudices of the Cabinet and senior positions in the Trump administration. (But if the role of America’s “Cassendra” had unwittingly fallen to me, then I hope to be like Aeneas who escaped the fall of Troy to lay the foundation for the Roman Empire. Though, in my humbler circumstance, I only want to assist in rebuilding the American democratic Republic.) 

5 A list of these pardons can be found in a footnote to “A More Perfect Union, or Not? 

6 Karen Dawisha, “Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?” p. 223. 

7 Ibid., “Table 6, Who Owns Russia? Direct Control and Ownership of the Economy by Putin’s Cronies, 2014,” p. 338. 

8 ibid., p. 209. Putin spoke these words to the Russian people shortly after he issued his decree to renew combat in Chechnya. The day before, on September 23rd, 1999, President Yeltsin had officially signed such a decree. But the Governors preempted his broadcast, supported Putin’s decree, and demanded Yeltsin to relinquish the Presidency to Putin. At that point in history, the die had been set for Putin’s eventual coup.  

9 On the cusp of the 2016 Presidential Election that ushered Donald Trump into the Presidency, I wrote a blog entitled “American Revolution 2016,” in which I proposed the following pledge: 

“I pledge to vote for candidates who promise to support voting rights legislation consisting of universal voter registration, Federal fair election guidelines, and populist regulations governing Federal campaign funding and candidate debates.” 

It was too late in the cycle of that election to advance the regulations proposed therein. But, if that were not the case, I doubt the anomaly of the Trump Presidency would ever have occurred.